Chapter 1

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Libby Stein-Torres, a young 18 year old woman with brown eyes, tan skin and long brown hair was sitting near her window with a book in her hand like always. Libby loved to read and she even wrote some books on her own. She never got them published since she never found a publisher that would accept her work. It saddened Libby but she still held hope that maybe one day her work will be noticed by someone.
Libby's father Matis Torres is a well known writer even asked Libby to come and visit him in his town when Libby was 13. However the visit didn't go as planned since Matias did not want to spend time with Libby and would rather write books than have anything to do with her and her mother Leah. This saddened Libby and still does even now. It felt like a heavy blade stabbed in her chest and still feels that way whenever Libby thinks of her father.
Libby is lost in her thoughts with her book in her hand when her mother Leah opens her door and a sweet smile prints on her face.
"Good morning my Turtle Dove." Leah smiles and walks over near to where Libby is reading with a plate of fruit in her hand.
"Oh good morning mother. I was just doing my morning reading." Libby says as she takes the fruit and eats some of it as her mother sits by her. Leah is a sweet mother and the best mother ever in Libby's eyes. Leah raised Libby pretty much her whole life. Libby most certainly wouldn't know what to do without her mother.
"I can't believe my little Miracle is now an 18 year old woman. I don't know where the time went." Leah says with a sigh as she looks at her now grown up daughter and feels saddened.
"I wouldn't be this grown up woman without you mom" Libby smiles at her mother and she takes her mother in her arms and gives her a gentle hug.
"Oh My Turtle Dove." The mother and daughter share a loving hug until Leah pulls away and places a loving hand on Libby's cheek.
"You're so beautiful now Libby. A beautiful Jewish woman in and out I'm truly proud of you dear." Libby smiles at her mom's approval and blushes shyly. It's true that Libby grew in beauty and in kindness and her Jewish faith grew with her as well.
"Libby there is something important I wanna talk to you about now that you're older." Libby can see what her mom is about to say is serious so she listens closely.
"Libby dear , you're an adult now and I don't want you to have no money, no supportive system and to be lonely all your life."
"But mom I have you and I have been working hard at Pam's to help provide for the both of us. I'm never lonely and not worried at all." Libby explains herself not really sure what her mother ment there.
"Turtle Dove, I have met a woman at the synagogue. She's very nice and has a handsome, kind son who is around your age. Her name is Mrs Apel and her son is named Micah. Micah is a very fine young man with a stable job and money and plus he's very sweet and would love to meet you Libby." After her mom explains Libby can't believe what she is hearing and her smile disappears with worry.
"A man? Want to meet me? But mother, I'm only 18!"
"Libby dear 18 years old is the perfect age to settle for a Jewish husband. His faith is as strong as yours and you will grow and be happy with him. All I ask is that you meet him and give him a chance." Leah takes Libby's hands and looks into her eyes.
"I don't want you to make the same mistake marrying a man who doesn't care for you. Micah will give you what I should have had and what I want you to have Libby. I know this is a lot to take in but I'm doing what is best for you." Libby can't believe what she is hearing and stands up and stares at her mother even more scared as she sweats.
"Marriage? You can't be a serious mother! What will Micah do for me? I don't need a man to make me happy! I can provide for myself!"
"Libby, please just meet him at least. You will change your mind about him I'm sure." Leah pleads as she looks at her daughter but Libby just turns her head away from her mother and is silent. Leah stands up and walks away but then glances at Libby and sighs.
"Turtle Dove?" Libby still is silent and crosses her arms not wanting to look at her mother anymore. Why would her own mom plan her life when it was Libby's life to plan? Libby turns her head but her mother now isn't there anymore. Just Libby's door shut and her being left in the room with complete silence.

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