Chapter 3

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      When Leah and Libby arrived at the Apel's house after a 20 minute drive Libby grew even more anxious. Leah stepped out of the car and opened the door for Libby and put her hand out to help her daughter out of the car. Libby just helped herself out and ignored her mom wearing a saddened expression.
     As Libby walked over to the house she realized it was no wonder Leah wanted her to marry Micah so bad of the looks of his family's house they were rich. Libby viewed the house and noticed how big it really was there must be over 15 bedrooms in that house. It seemed even bigger to Libby's eyes since the bookstore that she and her mom live in has only 2 bedrooms.
     Before Leah was about to knock on their door she looks Libby in the eye and notices that she is still wearing the same frowny expression. Leah takes Libby's hands and folds them together.
"Libby just...just remember to smile when you are here. You have such a beautiful smile Turtle Dove." Libby gives a small smile toward her mom but when Leah then looks away to knock on the door Libby goes back to the same frown smile.
   After Leah knocked on the door they were both greeted with a woman who looked to be around Leah's age. She had pale skin brown eyes and dark brown hair that was tied in a bun. She wore a green dress with a keppel on her head as well, like Libby was wearing. "This must be Micah's mom," Libby thought to herself.
   "Oh, welcome Leah! It's so wonderful to see you dear. Is this your daughter Libby you were telling me about?" The woman looks at Libby and smiles at her which causes Libby to step back a little shyly. 
"Yes Mam my name is Libby Stein-Torres daughter of Leah Stein-Torres and Matias Torres it's a pleasure to meet you." Libby says as she introduces herself in a serious mannerly tone.
"And it's a pleasure to meet you too Miss Libby. You really are a beauty with every feature. Your hair especially it's so beautiful." Libby takes a strand of her hair and twirls it.
"You mean this Miss?"
"Of course I find long hair to be very attractive on women."
"Well thank you kindly I appreciate your words." Libby says politely still.
"Please call me Mrs Apel darling." Mrs Apel says with a smile as she guides Leah and Libby to the dining room. As they enter the dining room Libby's anxieties come crawling back as 5 people are at the dining table looking at them.
"The Stein-Torre's have arrived, everyone." Mrs Apel said with a smile as she pulled out a chair for Leah and Libby to sit down at. As Libby sits down she notices a young man around her age. He had olive skin, dark brown curly hair, soft brown eyes and a kind expression."This has to be Micah," Libby thought to herself. He sure is handsome as her mom described him to be but his looks weren't love to Libby in her eyes.
  "It's so great to be able to have you two over for dinner. I'm David Apel Micah's older brother and this is my lovely wife Sarah." Said a man with olive skin like Micah's but instead with longer light brown hair. His wife Sarah had peach skin and ginger hair tied in a bun as she wore a keppel and a dress as well.
  "And my name is Naomi Apel. I am Micah's younger sister. It's also a pleasure to meet you two." Naomi waved at them shyly. She had brown hair tied in a braid tan skin and wore a keppel and a black dress.
   "It's really an honor to meet you all Mrs Apel has told me all about you guys. You all sound like wonderful children to her." Leah smiles at them warmly. Libby then notices a big man with dark tan skin black hair and gray eyes staring at Libby with a cold expression from across the table. Libby gulped then looked away from him which caused her to look Micah in the eyes. Micah then gave her a smile which caused Libby to just look away again.
   "And my name is Micah Apel. I'm the middle child of my family. My mother told me how you two met at the synagogue near our town. She also has told me about your daughter Libby. Is this her?" Micah asks, still wearing the same stupid sweet smile as he looks Libby in the eyes. 
    "Yes my name is Libby...Libby Stein-Torres it's nice to meet you Micah." Libby says in a serious tone as she looks at Micah then looks back away from him.
    "And my name is Daniel Apel. I am the father of the house and husband to my wife Miss Ruth Apel." The big man who stared coldly at Libby explained as he folded his hands together and then looked back at Libby. Libby didn't like the way Mr Apel looked at her, not one bit.
   "Tell me Miss Libby Stein-Torres. What do you like to do? I heard you work at a bakery part time but want to be an author someday, is that right?" Mr Apel asked Libby, still staring at her from across the table. Libby shivered slightly then put herself back together and took a deep breath.
   "That is correct sir. I like working at the bakery very much part time but I would like to be an author someday as well. We may not have as much as you do but what my mom and I have is enough in my eyes." This causes Mr Apel to give Libby a weird look a while scratching his beard. Micah then adds to the conversation before it gets more awkward between his father and her.
    "Well Libby, what you do sounds wonderful to me. I'm glad that you're trying to do the things you love despite not having much." Libby starts to get annoyed and scoffs.
    "It's not much to you but it's more than enough in my eyes."
   "Oh yes of course! There is nothing wrong with not having much money." This causes Libby to become angry at Micah as she then looks him in the eye and glares slightly.
   "What is so wrong with having not much money huh?" Micah starts to look worried and sweats nervously.
    "Oh there is nothing wrong I'm just sure it's hard is all." Micah says with a nervous smile as Libby glares even more at him.
    "Not having much doesn't mean we are suffering, you know. Just cause you're filthy rich doesn't mean you have to put others down that don't have as much as you!"
"Libby please!" Leah shouts a little and looks Libby  in the eye upset, breaking the tension between her and Micah. Libby then realizes what she just said then covers her mouth as the whole table stares at her. Libby starts to tear up. She tries not to cry but she can't help it. She feels so tired, so stressed and so emotional and so angry that she doesn't know how to reply at all. Instead she gets up from her seat and runs away to the bathroom to cry from what a failure she must have looked like in front of Micah's family and to her own mom.


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