Chapter 2

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After Libby had that talk with her mom things were awkward all day between the two. Libby quietly stayed in her room upset and anxious as she sat on her bed and held her pillow tightly. She never expected her mom to plan an arranged marriage for her so the news still shocked and stuck in Libby's head. Micah can't be as great as her mom thought he is, he can't be worth it this much for her mom to want him to marry her. All these thoughts made Libby's head spin like a roller coaster that goes fast and never ends.
      Simon, her pet turtle along with his other turtle friends looked hungry so Libby decided to get up and feed them. She took out a bag of lettuce that was stored in a bag under her bed and gently gave each turtle a piece of some lettuce. She watched them nibble on the lettuce slowly and patiently. Sometimes Libby wished she was a turtle so she could just eat and sleep and not worry about growing up and having all these responsibilities.
        Libby's heart raced when she heard her mom call her up for supper and she sighed, still having angry feelings for her mom. But her mom works hard on her meals even though they don't have much so how can Libby miss supper? She never has missed supper with her mom ever.
         As Libby walked quietly down the stairs she saw her mom sitting at the table. She has a hand on her forehead as two bowls of chicken soup are both sitting on Leah's and Libby's seat. Libby sits down awkwardly and the room is silent between the two until her mom looks at her and sighs.
"Libby dear, I'm sorry I just want what is best for you. Our bookstore hasn't been doing well these days and I haven't had enough money to provide for us. So just know that Micah will provide for you. I promise this Turtle Dove with all of my heart he can provide a nice home for you when you are both wed." The word "wed" makes Libby heat up and she looks Leah in the eye.
       "You say Micah will provide for me but you're already providing enough for me mom! What is a man gonna do for me if I don't love him? And talking about marriage is too early in the game." Libby places both hands on the table and gives her mom a glare.
"Libby Micah and his family invited us to come over to his house tomorrow morning for breakfast. I just want you to get to know him before you decline him. I promise Libby that you will find Micah to be very sweet."
"He invited us? And you said yes?" Libby can't believe what she is hearing about her mom accepting an invitation for an arranged marriage without her own permission.
"Libby please like I said I love you and I'm doing what is best for you. Please just come with me to his house tomorrow morning. Libby I love you so much." At this moment Leah starts to tear up which makes Libby's expression soften and she starts to feel bad.
"Turtle Dove? Please just at least meet him for me?" Libby stares at her mom's eyes and she then closes hers and takes a moment to give an answer until she then decides.
"I'll go mom." Leah smiles and is about to hug her daughter when Libby gets up from the table and takes her soup and brings it to her room, still upset about the whole situation.
     As morning creeps in, Libby is awakened by her mother in her room. Libby sheepishly opens her eyes and rubs them to see what her mom is doing. She sees an orange dress with flower print and lace in her mom's hand and a white scarf and a white kippah which is a Jewish hat. Her mom turns her head and sees that Libby is awake and smiles, not upset at all that Libby left the dinner table silently without giving her a hug last night.
"Good morning Turtle Dove I wanted to give you your outfit before we head to breakfast. This was my dress when I was your age." Leah explains as she holds up the dress.
"Why must I wear this mom?" Libby gets up as she looks at the dress. Libby would rather be herself and wear her green knitted sweater than a traditional Jewish dress,hat and scarf.
"You must look presentable for Micah and his family. They are Jewish like us and we must dress respectfully for them. Plus I think this dress would look beautiful on you Libby." After her mom said all that, how can Libby say no?
"Okay I will wear it mom." Libby then gets dressed and puts the hat and scarf with the dress on and looks in the mirror. Leah comes back in and sees Libby in her outfit and smiles brightly.
"Oh Turtle Dove you look so grown up and so beautiful. Like a beautiful faithful Jewish woman as you are now." Libby doesn't reply back, just closes her eyes and folds her hands, still upset about the whole situation.
"Oh! It's time to go Libby, we are going to be late! Come on, you will be great, you will see Turtle Dove."  Leah takes Libby's hand and walks her to the car outside as Libby's anxiety rises up. It was time for Libby to meet Micah and his family and Libby wasn't sure how she would be able to accept this visit.

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