Chapter 5

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     A day after the horrible visit with Micah and his family Libby sat on her bed facing her best friend Molly Mcgee. Molly was Libby's best friend ever since they were both middle schoolers and she always had Libby's back which is something Libby was truly grateful for. However Molly wasn't the only friend there with her; a ghost named Scratch was also a part of their friend group and was present as well. Ghosts existed and only Molly and her and a few other people knew about them. Scratch was rather grumpy but was sweet at heart just like Molly.
   "Libby, tell us what happened yesterday, we are here for you." Molly said sweetly as she put a hand on Libby's shoulder. Libby couldn't help it at that moment instead of telling Molly the story she broke down crying from how dreadful yesterday was.
  "I'm sorry guys, yesterday was just so horrible and so unfair." Libby explained wiping her tears away with her sweater. Even Scratch looked concerned for Libby as he floated over to her and put his hand on her shoulder as well.
  "Come on Libby it's ok me and Mol are here for you." Scratch told Libby reassuringly. Libby took a deep breath and then began to tell them the horrible story of her visit with the Apels. She told them first about how her mom planned an arranged marriage with Micah behind her back. She then told them how she said yes cause she didn't want to hurt her mom's feelings she told them that the visit was super awkward and caused great anxiety for her. And finally she told them how Micah proposed to her the same day she first met him and she didn't know how to respond so she ran away crying.
"Hold on your telling me this Micah guy tried to ask you to marry him the same day you first met him? What was this guy thinking?" Scratch said surprised as Molly looked into Libby's eyes with a shocked sad expression.
"Oh Libby that is awful I'm sorry you had to go through that I really am. I can't imagine being set up with someone I didn't love yet alone just met that day."
"Yeah and like why does your mom want you to marry this Mr Micah guy anyway? Shouldn't you be able to make your own decisions?" Scratch replied, crossing his arms.
"Oh Scratch I wish I could say no but when I tried to my mom almost cried and I upset her. I know what she wants is what is best for me and she loves me but I just can't marry Micah I just can't. I don't love him. So that is why I don't know what to do. It's scary." Libby explained in tears as Molly hugged Libby tightly, rubbing Libby's back.
"Libby I hate seeing you like this, maybe tell her how you truly feel, how you feel about how you can't say no truly because you hate upsetting her?" Molly said as Libby lifted her head up to look at Molly.
"You're right Molly I must say this I must or else I'll be married to a man that I don't love."
"Alright! Go Libs!" Scratch said excitedly punching his fists into the air with glee. Libby smiled at Scratch and Molly. She really did have the bestest friends in the world even if one of them wasn't living.
  After Molly and Scratch returned home Libby got out a paper and pencil. She wanted to write what she wanted to say to her mom. She wanted to know what to say to her tomorrow before she visited with Micah again. Libby hoped she had the courage to talk to her mom about how she truly felt because if she can't she will be marrying and living with practically a stranger forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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