Shooting Star (Mafia boss America x female popstar OC) part 1

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(This is a mafia/popstar au of mine,where America is a mafia boss and my oc,Scarlett is a popstar. To be more precise she's better know as Starlight or Stardust, hence the title! Without furthermore chatting,let's get into this chapter my sinful readers~)

Third person POV:

A building of sorts pans into view as it starts to zoom in on one of the rooms,or offices. Inside a tall,well built man can be seen sitting at a desk,3 bodyguards on each side of him,two men holding someone with a bag over their head. Now anyone would think this was a terrorist attack but when in actual fact and closer observation it was just the mafia boss,America,taking out the trash of his enemies. America had been trying to find out what Russia was planning, when his peace was disturbed by two of his men dragging someone into his office and told him that the person was a spy from the Soviet Mafia. Now imagine his surprise when he heard this piece of shocking news. So he did what the British/American Mafia would do,he killed him. No questions asked and no shots fired. Broke the poor guy's neck and let his men do the clean up.  As he was pacing his office floor into an oblivion, the camera changes to a different scene.  A girl was being hassled into her dressing room,designers all over the place. She was pummeled with millions of different outfits, such as shockingly bright coloured dresses,extremely tight skirts,murderous high heels,funeral themed hats and shorts so short,it would put even a dwarf to shame. As they were busy bombarding the poor girl,her thoughts were somewhere else. Tonight she had a huge concert and she wasn't the least interested in even being there. You see all her life people made decisions for her,she never had a say in what she wears,how to speak,makeup or no makeup,school,college and finally her singing career. She's a popstar, always had been since the age of 16,when she had made her first singing debut. But she wanted something different...something new....something exciting.  Little did she know that,that same fateful night would be her last solo. Because someone was going to sweep her off her feet and take her far away from the busy NYC life.


America's POV:

My father and brothers had bought tickets to this concert that was happening in New York,and me being the loving, kind and caring man I am,agreed to go with them. Apparently Nada's favorite popstar was doing the concert and he was dying to meet her. Said her name was Starlight or Stardust or whatever. Now I'm a busy man,with a busy schedule, but I'm never to busy for my family.  So I had my secretary clear my schedule for past 6 and got myself ready for this stupid concert.  I'm not one for pop music but I do enjoy a few of those songs she sings, she has an angelic voice that could bring even the strongest mafia men to their knees,I mean look at Canada, she brought him to his knees. After arriving at the concert, giving in our tickets,getting wrist bands and drinks,going to the front of the stage,we waited for her to start singing. I was wearing my Iconic black suit,still in business attire, like our father while Nada,Zealand and Aus were wearing merchandise from her previous concerts. I wasn't there. Soon the lights dimmed and she stepped onto the stage wearing an elegant looking red,blue and white dress,her long pink hair was tied back into a half up,half down bun,her makeup a theme of golden glitter and red lipstick and a black choker adorning her neck. Her gold eyes staring into the crowd as Nada suddenly screamed "WE LOVE YOU STARDUST!!!!!!" in a highly annoying high pichted school girl voice. Now I didn't expect her to reply, much less bend down and wave at us smiling sweetly and giggling at Nada's antics "And I love you too,Canada. Thank you for attending yet another one of my overbearing, sleep-depriving concerts sweetheart. I'm starting to think your my stalker!" She giggled sweetly before blowing a innocent kiss towards Nada who fainted. Jeez,why must he be so annoying? Wait,she knew Canada? Which means she knows the business we're in and that Canada is a mafia boss? Oh god you morons! I slowly itch my hand towards my revolver, which was strapped on the inside of my suit jacket,ready to kill her until she started singing. I froze,her voice was so....enchanting, so mesmerizing. I made up my mind then and there that when this concerts over,I'm taking her as mine and only my shooting Star.

(Timeskip sponsored by my sleep-deprived ass writing this chapter at 2 am on a Friday)

Scarlett's POV:

Finally! I can get out of these killer heels,and this overbearing corset dress. During the concert I had over 20 outfits changes,20 makeup changes and 20 shoe changes. All which consisted out of high heeled boots,stilettos and red bottom heels. I was currently changing into a pair of comfortable black jeans,a long sleep Grey turtleneck and high top converse. I had let my hair come down,brushed it and tied it back in a comfy high ponytail.  I threw on a black cardigan and began heading for my dressing room's door,when suddenly a man sporting the American flag and 3 other rather large men came barging in.  One stepped in behind me and the other two were packing my clothes, shoes,makeup and other essentials they could find into 4 duffelbags. I was rather confused, "excuse me,what the hell in going on here? Who are you people and Mr. America, why are your men packing my things into bags?" The confusion was as clear as crystal on my face,I had removed my makeup and applied light,natural makeup on. America just chuckled as the two who were packing my things,left the room and the one behind place a hand over my mouth,a cloth to my lips. I knew that smell,chloroform. Was....was he kidnapping me!?!?! Oh goodness no! I tried holding my breath for as long as possible, luckily my military training came in hand for that. "Oh shooting Star, why don't you just give in. Your already mine~ why fight it,hm~" he purred out in that highly attractive American accent. As I go to say something, I make the mistake of taking a deep breath,and before I knew it I was blacking out. Last thing I heard were gunshots going off,America and Canada arguing,feeling a very soft car seat underneath me and America telling me "sweet dreams my shooting Star,don't worry Ame's going to take good care of his princess ~" before blacking out completely.....

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! Sorry everyone ~ I'm so tired,and writer's block has been unaliving me. I'm stuck on chapter 5 for my previous book and it's hard to write one shots when all your brain can think of is coffee,sleep,cosplay, America x reader x Soviet Union and more sleep. Next update would be soon on both my book "Broken Angel from another world " and this one shot book. For now sweet dreams my sinful readers and I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night!!!

~Author-chan out !

Total words count: 1286

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