Chapter Sixteen

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"Wait...You've only known about the Wizarding world for...say...six months?" Harry was flabbergasted as she nodded, "Galloping Gargoyles. How are you not freaking out about the tournament? I'm going mad over it."

She found her gaze drifting towards Ominis who was smirking at something another Slytherin had said, "I'm not alone. So I'm not scared. However, I do have a paralyzing fear of water now. So you'll never see me go out for a swim."

"Do you even know how to swim?"

Blair shivered, "Nope. And I don't intend to learn."

"Let's change the conversation from morbidity to oh I don't know, anything else." Hermione reflected smartly, "There's mint chocolate chip ice cream tonight and I'll rather ruin my perfect attendance award than not have a scoop."

It brought a smile to her face knowing there was nothing that could cause Hermione to want to ruin her attendance record, but the other Gryffindor didn't want Blair having to recount her greatest fears over dinner. She was thankful for having made another close friend.

Practice Makes Perfect

More time passed as Harry and Blair prepared for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. They had learned about the other two dragons and were taking the time to practice different spells to put out fires in the garden.

"One of the dragons is a Chinese Fireball, or Liondragon." Hermione called out from the bench as Harry and Blair threw water spells at each other, "They shoot balls of flame from their nostrils. If you can't dodge water thrown at each other, what makes you think you both will make it out alive?"

It was safe to say that both students were soaked. Ominis and Ron were playing a game of chess as they listened to the banter. Ron had already learned not to cheat with Ominis because the blind wizard heard pieces moving without him doing anything, and sent Ron flying into the large fountain. That made three students being soaked.

"Your confidence in us is overwhelming." Blair muttered wryly, "Aguamenti."

Blair watched as blue magic conjured water to spout from the tip of her wand like a hose and aimed it at Harry. He jumped to the side which unfortunately was where Ominis and Ron were playing chess.

"Protego." Ominis lazily muttered, swishing his wand. "Knight to F5. Checkmate."

What was impressive and perhaps a bit rude was that Ominis was careful in only protecting himself and the board. Ron not only lost the game, but got wet in the process from Blair's spell. He sighed heavily, "Bollocks."

"How does this dragon rank in comparison to the others?" Blair inquired, "Is it more aggressive?"

Hermione nodded, "To humans, yes. It's said that this dragon is aggressive, but willing to share territory with others of its kind. However, its diet are pigs and humans."

"I wonder how Fleur will handle a dragon. She seems so delicate." Harry pointed out, taking a break as they all sat on the ground on a thick quilt Hermione conjured. "What do you think Blair?"

She shrugged, not really interested in the conversation. "You can't judge someone based off looks alone."

"That's all I do." Ominis humored.

Blair's lips pulled up in a reluctant smile. Neither of them had said a word about the almost kiss and nothing romantic in nature had happened between them. It was as it always was; platonic banter. Her and Ron used the hot air charm to dry off while the other witch interjected.

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