2. id do anything for you.

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Louis's pov

i kiss freddie's nose "be good okay? whoever is chaperoning you will take good care of you if you need me just ask okay?" he nods and walks to the line of other kids getting taken to their cabin

"right this way sir" harry sneaks up behind me and i yelp "do not do that!"  i hit his shoulder playfully as he giggles

"sorry babe but come with me we're in the same cabin." i nod and follow him to the cabin i stay near him the whole time since the woods at night is kind of a death trap.

i hear a branch snap behind me and i cling to harry's arm "don't worry babe. there aren't any wild scary animals here. this is the safe zone. but do keep holding my arm it's nice" i roll my eyes and let go of his arm as we enter the cabin i walk into my assigned room and immediately dose off

Harry's pov

i wake up bright and early because actual staff have to wake up before the campers or volunteers i decided to be creepy and go check on louis who's sleeping so peacefully in his bed soft snores escaping him. it's not those ugly snores that make you wanna kill yourself it's the cute kind.

i head to the kitchen and have a coffee and plan out the trip. "right so you get group purple i get yellow martha gets red and liam gets blue" my coworker steve says

"okay but who will be with us?" i ask "like the campers?" liam responds

i nod. "since when did that matter?" liam chuckles and i roll my eyes snatching the paper from him and see it freddie and louis tomlinson are in blue.

"liam switch with me please please." he frowns "why?" he asks god he asks too many questions

"please li i beg of you" he shrugs. "i mean okay?" he says confused and i kiss his cheek.

"thank you li li!" i walk to the board where it has our names and colors and switch me and liam. fuck yes.

martha and steve  are in charge of waking all the kids and parents up and they all start piling in soon then the sweetest baby angel enters he looks sleepy still but freddie is dragging him to the table and he rests his head on it

"can i interest you in some coffee sir?" i ask him and he mumbles something then freddie says "he said yes please!" freddie says with a big smile he's such a cutie.

"well i'll go make him a coffee but in the meantime figure out what you wanna eat hm?" he nods as i walk over making him some coffee he's so cute when he's sleepy . makes me wanna wrap him in a blanket

i place the coffee infront of him he's awake now "hashbrowns and freddie wants a bacon egg and cheese" i nod and smile as they announce who's with who.

"and the blue group is with..wait wasn't liam in charge of blue?" steve says and i shake my head "nope me." he nods "counselor styles." he says and louis sends me a knowing smirk hope he doesn't know i switched.

the kids and their parents sit at the blue table as i sit opposite louis. "we have a hike planned for today where we look for cool keepsakes and animals don't worry nothing dangerous but i know a cool spot with a lake we can all go to swim does that sound good?" the kids cheer and i notice louis doesn't look all that excited i really thought he'd enjoy the idea of swimming i mean i surely do. seeing louis shirtless would make my life. ew why am i so obsessed.

"lou? you like that idea?" he sighs and freddie giggles "daddy doesn't know how to swim." all the other kids laugh "how do you take your kid to the beach then i heard freddie surfs" a parent asks and he sighs

"yeah i can surf but i just can't swim and there's always a trainer present ." he mumbles i see his cheeks turning a reddish color

"so what happens when you fall in the water huh? you just die? or does your trainer come and save you?" she laughs and he bites his cheek.

"i can stay a float i just can't move around in the water" i can't take this anymore

"what louis does with his child is none of your business mrs carter him and his child are doing what works for them and that's good i think louis is quite brave for not staying away from the water but picking up a hobby in it. isn't louis so brave everyone?" the kids all nod and freddie smiles proudly up at his dad and louis smiles back at him they're so cute "louis is teaching us that no matter what we can and can't do we don't let it stop us from doing the things we love." i continue and they all agree.

he smiles up at me and mouths a 'thank you' and i send a wink over to him. "so we'll go on the hike around 12 pm and come back for lunch then we can do activities such as soap carving learning how to tie a knot and compete to get badges!"  the kids all cheer and i smile as breakfast gets served i see freddie feeding louis every other bite and i find it to be the absolute cutest thing ever.


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