14. i couldn't want you any more

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Harry's pov

"okay can i have everyone's attention for a second." i say at the table interrupting everyone's conversation. by everyone i mean steve martha and liam. like i mentioned before camp counselors wake up before the parents and kids

"i need erm. i need help with something." i say picking at my nails it's a bad habit but who cares right now.

"what's going on darling?" martha asks and i sigh "okay it's pretty obvious that i like louis right? like everyone knows?" i say and they all give me some kind of agreement

"i wanna ask him to the dance. i want something special not just a 'hey wanna go to the dance with me?' something that he'll remember." martha smiles and pinches my cheek

"oh my god i've never seen you so soft on someone that isn't a child." she coos "my baby is inlove!" i roll my eyes

"hands off martha." i say sternly and liam shrugs "how about you uhh give him a flower?" i roll my eyes

"you guys are not helpful." i sigh and martha claps her hands excitedly "OH MY GOD I HAVE THE BEST IDEA."

"go on." i say and she giggles "what if you maybe could have roses leading to the flower field right cus that's your spot and you can have a song prepared and maybe you can have the kids hold up little signs that say will you go to the dance with me OH MY GOD GET HIS LITTLE BOY INVOLVED HE'LL LOVE IT." she screams and i smile softly

"it's cute i like it. what song should i sing for him?" she shrugs "one of the ones you've written about him." i blush bright red

"you wrote a song about him?" liam asks "well yeah i do really like him liam." i look up at him and he smiles "this is serious stuff."

i roll my eyes and martha kisses my cheek "he will love it i'll go wake everyone up and you can talk to them after breakfast." i nod

"i need all the children all groups please please please follow me outside" i say and all the kids follow behind me martha steve and liam did me the absolute favor of asking all the parents for permission for me to do this obviously not including louis everyone said yes except graces dad so that means i have to leave that little girl out and it breaks my heart

"okay so i need you all to be very very veryyyy quiet. cus what i'm about to tell you is a big big secret okay?" they all nod

"so. you know how the camp dance is coming up?" i ask and they nod

i take a deep breathe "well i really really like freddie's dad louis and i want you all to help me." before you guys freak out freddie knew i liked him from the very beginning


i clear my throat "i'm sorry freddie can you hang back a second i wanna talk to you." i say and louis frowns "why is he in trouble?" he asks

i look up at louis and shake my head "just need to speak to him for a moment" he nods and kisses freddie's head "i'll wait outside prince."  he walks out and i look down to freddie

"so erm i wanna speak to you about something concerning your dad okay?" i say and freddie nods

"i think i like your dad. like like him. and i know you're not really okay with the idea of your dad having boyfriend and such but i only want to make him happy i pinky promise that's all my intentions are simply to just love and cherish and care for him till im gone from this earth. and obviously you'll be a priority as well obviously that's if he wants to be with me. but i really like him freddie i just need your ok to maybe make moves on him because i don't wanna bother you"

he smiles "you're the only person i trust my daddy with. i give you the okay to proceed. but if you break his heart i'll ruin your life. and don't worry. your secret is safe with me" he winks and clicks his tongue pointing a finger gun at me before running out

<end of flashback>

see he already knows anyways back to our thing the kids all cheer and i smile softly as i explain the plan to them

"remember it is a secret if anyone tells louis i will be very very upset okay?" i nod "now come here i wanna hug all of you." they all tackle me for a group hug and i smile softly

Louis's pov

the kids have been acting so weird around me today i don't know why they've been gone during activity time because steve was gonna take them to the lake and i didn't feel like going without h and harry said he didn't feel well so i was in the cabin all day just napping basically.

"mr tomlinson?" liam i think his name is walks in and i sit up from my bed.

"yeah?" i look up at him "freddie needs you down in the activity zone." i nod and put my shoes on quickly before rushing downstairs i slept in a hoodie and shorts because i dunno i didn't feel like wearing pjs so i'm okay to go down

"freddie darling?" i walk to him and he takes my hand "i wanna show you something." there's no one else around and this is starting to feel weird i miss harry.

there's flowers all over the floor they're so pretty. it's like a little path i'm too distracted by the flowers to realize that we're at the flower field and freddie isn't next to me anymore

i look up and notice there's fairy lights all on the trees. that's so pretty.

i feel someone wrap their hands around me and i slap the person and twist their arm kicking their knee and straddling them with pushing their face to the ground and holding their hand behind their back.

"ow." harry groans "shit oh my god baby!" i quickly get off him and help him up. "i'm so sorry are you okay?"

he chuckles and dusts off his clothes he's wearing a loose button up but it's not really buttoned like 4 buttons are unbuttoned and it's so hot. his hair looks on point and he's so beautiful.

"i'm okay babe." he kisses my head and takes me to what i proclaimed our log. there's a guitar resting on there

"this is so cringey oh my god" he chuckles and i frown "what you're gonna sing me a song? did you plan this with freddie because i've got no clue where he is." he chuckles

"don't worry okay? yes i'm gonna sing you a song. that i wrote. for you." he says and i gasp "oh my god! you wrote a song for me?!" i say and he nods

"it's called sunflower volume 6. don't ask." i smile excitedly and he starts playing it. my god he's angelic i can listen to him sing for years without getting bored such a beautiful voice i get up and start dancing

"sunflower sunflower!" i say as i dance around idk i always like to add my little sprinkle into any song i like and this one is pretty fucking good.

he finishes and he holds my waist bringing me closer to him then i head a noise and before i can see what is happening he grabs my face

"just give them a moment please." i frown "give who?" he smiles and then points towards the noise where there are all little boys and girls holding up signs that say 'will you go to the dance with me? (or counselor harry in other words)'

i frown confused and look to harry "what dance?" he looks to me and purses his lips "the camp dance? it happens at the end of every camp season? i wanna take you as my date?"

my eyes widen "oh! oh haz i-i really would love to but freddie-"

"i approve just get on with it!" freddie says and  i smile at him before looking to harry and nodding "i would love to." he smiles and looks into my eyes

"we did it!" the kids all run to hug him and i smile softly at him i feel so incredibly loved right now i cannot wait to cuddle him tonight.

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