13. i dont care i don't care

151 4 6

Harry's pov

i see louis walking to the cabin i say walking he wasn't really walking more like stomping? storming off? i don't know but he looked pissed or like he needed to piss so i just let him be

"erm styles down here for a sec" i hear freddie say. and i lean down to him and hum in response. "dads angry and i'm like 99% sure grace's dad had something to do with it" he says and i frown

"what do you mean what happened?" i ask he sighs "daddy was all looking at you with the heart eyes like he does all happy and like in his little world of love then stupid grace's dad came in and ruined it he talked to him for a bit and clearly daddy did not want whatever grace's dad was saying then he told him something and dads face went from normal to absolute rage and a little bit of hurtness so i feel like you should talk to him because obviously he's not gonna tell me." freddie finishes and i see fucking red. how dare that dickhead hurt my louis like that oh my fucking god i'm gonna drag him to the woods and burn-

"hey counselor styles? is my painting pretty?" grace holds up her painting of a beautiful flower i can't do that to this beautiful kid. it would be so wrong of me.

"it's beautiful my darling." i smile and she giggles running off and i walk to her dad. "can i speak with you. privately." i say i'm still not happy with him but i'm not gonna kill him.

"yeah sure." he says smugly ugh that dickhead. we walk a little bit away from everyone and i sigh "what did you tell louis? freddie told me he noticed that louis seemed upset just after you talked to him and i don't know if you noticed i really care about louis." i smile pettily

"let me ask you a question. why are you leading on this poor sexy little thing when he can be wrapped around my finger you know a guy that actually finds him attractive instead of yours a guy who just uses him as an entertainment tool. now i have to wait months until he gets over you so i can slide in again." he says and i frown what the actual fuck is he talking about?

"excuse me what? my entertainment?! how am i using louis for my entertainment?" i ask and he rolls his eyes "don't act so innocent taking him to the flower field sneaking into each others rooms at night cuddling up every chance you get the kisses the pet names. cmon harry really? you think he wouldn't fall for you?" he says scoffing

"how is that using him as an entertainment tool?" i ask and he chuckles "because you're not even into guys like that! your girlfriend is literally right there god you have more chemistry with louis than you do your own girlfriend it's hilarious." i frown now i'm genuinely confused

"what girlfriend?!" i ask now i'm really pissed off did he tell louis i have a fucking girlfriend?!

"martha. you think we didn't know she's dating on of the counselors and we are-" i shove him the nearest tree

"SHES ENGAGED TO FUCKING STEVE DID YOU TELL LOUIS I HAD A GIRLFRIEND?!" i shout and he looks up at me smugly "maybe i did oh well." 

oh god it's taking everything out of me not to beat his fucking ass right now. i rush to the cabin and right before i open louis's door. i can hear him crying to someone probably on the phone.

"yeah and he told me he loved me too mum it was horrible. no mum he didn't mean it like that! i've just i've never met someone who makes me feel so- so loved mum." i smile sadly. poor boy i really hurt him.

i knock on the door and he sniffles "sorry mum i've got to go." he says quietly and then clears his throat

"freddie my love is it you?" i can hear him shuffling around the room probably trying to make himself look like he wasn't crying

"no it's harry can i come in?" i say

"yeah of course!" he says and i open the door "i don't have a girlfriend. martha is engaged to steve and here are their wedding invites for next  october." i show him the invitation. "i'm not straight i'm bisexual and i've been out of the closet since 16." he sniffles and i can see his body relax and kind of notice relief wash over him.

"okay? i don't know why you're telling me this i don't really mind if you were straight and dating martha i was crying because i saw a cute video of a dog." he's a terrible liar.

i hug him tightly and kiss his forehead. "just wanted to let you know." he nods and kisses my chest. i truly do love him.

A/N quick little rant bc i'm feeling a bit emo rn i feel like most of my friends are getting annoyed of me and it's lowkey super uncool bc i'm like super cool like oh my god right? but either they're annoyed or annoying so it's not that fun but they're all ignoring me or being super dry and that's just like not hot yk? anyways i'll go cry to wtv the fuck spotify shuffle has to offer
all my love, h

928 words btw;)

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