Grian's Pov

I woke up to a watcher shaking me. They were a different watcher than the one from yesterday. 

"Hello, I am Xander. I have been selected to be your trainer and guide." The watcher- Xander- said. I studied them for a moment. Violet robes with pastel lines going up the sleeves and back. Curly black hair poking out from under their hood. White mask covering their eyes with the watcher symbol. Fingerless black gloves and holes in their hood where two sparkling purple antennas poked out. Purple moth wings and a black tank top under the robes. the watcher finished off their look with a white choker. 

"I have allowed you to sleep in until your gear is ready, but do not expect to be able to sleep in again." Xander said, frowning. I nodded.

"Follow me, we will gather your gear then come back for a tour." I nodded sleepily. They snapped their fingers next to my ear, causing me to jump awake. "I need you awake and alert." Xander growled, baring their needle sharp fangs. I shivered.

I followed Xander down the halls. "...Why do I need robes-" "Quiet." Xander commanded. I tightened my wings against my back and quieted.

We entered the room from before (Yesterday?) which I now realized was labeled 'armory.'

"Zead!" Xander called. The shorter watcher- apparently named Zead- skidded around a corner, robes hitting against their thighs. They were wearing shorter robes, and I could now see they were also wearing tight black capris and a white t-shirt underneath. Honestly I thought they just wore robes.

"Come over here please." Zead said, out of breath. We followed him around the corner as past shulkers and chests filled with materials. The wall was lined with all sorts of fabrics with all sorts of textures. He lead us into a separate room. "Should we do the mask first?" Zead questioned. "No, the the mask last." Xander commanded. 

Zead nodded, taking a bundle of clothes from a shulker. He handed me a long sleeve black shirt, a long sleeve dull purple shirt, and two pairs of black capris. "Change into this." Zead said, gesturing to a small door labeled 'bathroom.' they really like labeling things huh. It is helpful though.

I changed into the clothes, happy I can get out of my torn lime green hoodie and dirty shorts. I changed into the dull purple shirt and some black capris, tucking the rest of my clothes under my arm. When I came out Zead promptly took my old clothes and set them on fire, tossing them out a window and into (Hopefully) the void and not a pathway.

"Good, now put this on." Zead said, handing me my robe. It was a dark, almost black, purple. The sleeves were loose but tightened on the wrist, similar to that of a hoodie or a poet shirt. It was open like a jacket but had golden clasps. Quiet fancy for me but okay. I put it on and allowed Zead to adjust the clasps.

"Stand still." Zead commanded. I stood still as Zead grabbed a strip of dark cloth with specks of light purple, making it appear like a starry sky. It was beautiful. Zead Tied it tightly just above my waist. "Why do I have to be so fancy?" I asked. Then again all the watchers were dressed fancy, even Zead was covered with golden earing on their pointed ears. 

Xander glared at me but Zead gave me an answer. "It's important to our culture, you could say. Once your watcher instincts kick in you'll like being all dressed up and fancy." I tilted my head. Oh no, not more instincts. Bird instincts are hard enough. "Plus I worked hard to make these and make you look nice." Zead joked, quieting when Xander growled at them.

Zead put a necklace on me. It had a simple silver chain with a chard of what appeared to be amethyst on the end, except it glowed slightly. I huffed at all the fine details Zead was adding to my person. 

Zead put gold cuffs on my wrists, snapping them shut. They then handed me black combat boots with dark purplish grey soles and laces. I gratefully changed out of my ripped shoes and into the new shoes. Zead hesitated. "Hmm. You look good but... Oh! I know!" Zead ran out, coming back in after a few seconds with black fingerless gloves and a gold ribbon.

He handed me the gloves and I put them on, finding they had white lines around where they ended. Zead tied my fluffy blonde hair back in a small ponytail with the ribbon. I was glad- I hadn't had a chance to cut it and it had been bothering me. especially when It got caught in the feathers on my ears. 

"Okay, perfect! right Xander?" Zead hummed, displaying me like a piece of art.

Xander grinned, showing their sharp teeth, and nodded. Thank goodness their done. Zead handed me a belt. I spoke too soon. The belt was black adorned with little straps. "For knives, swords, and daggers." Zead explained. I nodded, putting it on. 

I sighed with relief as Zead handed me something that wasn't clothes. It was a dagger, the blade black and the hilt was silver and blackish purple. I slipped it on my belt. He then carefully grabbed a white mask. The watcher symbol was purple like usual, but it had golden lines coming out of it. weird. 

Zead handed me the mask. "Put it up to your eyes." Xander commanded. I did so, and when I let my hands fall down I was surprised to see it stayed there, and that I could see through it. "...Take it off now." Xander said cautiously after a moment.

I grabbed it and It came off, falling into my hands. To my surprise, in silver letters, Xelqua was spelled out. Xander and Zead let out a sigh of relief like they thought I wouldn't get my name.

 "Hello, Xelqua." Zead said. "It is done." Xander said. "Wha-" "Silence." Xander commanded, baring their fangs again. I fell silent, their words digging into my brain and enveloping it in fog again. I straightened my posture, the need to please the watchers coming back.

"Put it back on." Zead said. "Don't take it off again unless we tell you to." Xander added. I obediently put it back on. "Good watchling." Xander huffed. "...Watchling...?" I said hesitantly. "A young watcher. Not a full watcher, like a fledgling to avians." Zead explained. 

Oh gosh I'm a baby watcher.

"Well, I was going to give you a tour, but you look a little drained and I'm feeling nice. Go take a nap." Xander commanded. i nodded and scurried out of the armory. 

guess I'm officially a watcher.


Words- 1126

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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