Chapter 10 - Way to ruin a moment, shall we try this again?

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Y/n pov:

I sigh and look at the person who so rudely interrupted my wedding

I spoke,

"Lord, whatever your name is?"

He then started making his way to my soon to be wife, I couldn't help but want to rush by her side but I stood my ground

He continues,

"Emily, tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it stops beating?"

'Who is this guy? And what kind of drugs is he on?'

I retort,

"You're about to find out if you don't shut up and sit down."

He then snapped his head in my direction, disgusted

He responds,

"You better watch what you say, your best friend is my wife. So if you ever wanna see her again, I suggest-"

He gets cut off by Victoria

"Did things not go as you planned? In that case, in disappointment we were perfectly matched, I want a divorce."

She then threw the ring on the floor and continued standing next to me

I chuckle and speak,

"You heard her. Guys, I want him out of our wedding."

They then removed him out completely, I smiled and looked towards my wife

"Shall we try this again?"

Emily then smiled back at me and nodded

The priest spoke,

"I now pronounce you, Wife and Wife. Shall you live in peace, happiness and passion for the rest of your lives. You may kiss now."

I gently tilt her downwards and kiss her passionately

I pull her back up and disconnect our lips

She speaks,

"Ready, my love?"

I respond while picking up the poison,

"Ready as I'll ever be, my dear ."

I hold it up

"To a new beginning with love, hope and a adventure of a lifetime."

[Exit Scene with Y/n drinking the poison.]


I make my way towards my carriage when I see a sad man sitting on the side walk

I smirk and decided to go talk to him

"Hello, there. I'm Barkis, Lord Barkis. Wanna have dinner with me? Perhaps we can both get what we want."

(A/N- HOPED YOU ENJOYED! Thank you for reading!)

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