Boundaries Ch. 6

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"Don't be afraid to call me, Kunikida~Kun," Dazai hums, pulling the covers over his exhausted partner. "I'll answer - probably."

Kunikida would have rolled his eyes, had they not already been closed. "Okay." He mutters instead, hearing the sound of tape being pulled and cut and then the swoosh of paper and weight on his bed, he opens his eyes, "What're you doing?"

"I'm leaving a note so you can read it when you wake up." Dazai says simply, stepping back from the bed.

"And what does it say?" Kunikida asks irritably. He's tired, in pain and not in the mood. "I don't want any words of profanity or a horrendous picture on my wall."

"Don't worry," Dazai reassures him "I'll be sure to fulfill your desires next time." He explains the content on the slip of paper, and once he's done, he watches his partner drift off, jealous of how easily he could fall asleep. Only once he's sure Kunikida is asleep and won't be waking up anytime soon does the former brunette leave.


When Kunikida wakes up in the morning of the second day of their body swap, he is immediately hit with a tsunami of pain so bad his immediate reaction is to call Yosano.

Rolling over onto his side to turn off his alarm and call the doctor, he doesn't even make it that far, curling up into a ball, crumbling from the pain.

When he turns slowly to face his desk beside his bed, Kunikida’s blurry eyes land on a piece of paper taped to it. What the..?
Slowly reaching for it, the former blind quickly remembers what it is.

“Here, Kunikida~Kun,” A voice condescendingly sweet piqued behind him. It was the day before, Dazai was leaning over his partner who was lying on his well kept futon, to tape a piece of paper onto the wall “this has all the medications, names and times you need to take them. Just to be completely clear! You'll know what to take, and when.”

Sucking in a breath through his teeth, the frustration bled deeply into his already pained body and soul. "You damn suicidal idiot."

Painfully, the currently dark haired man sits up to get a better look at the paper in his hands. Why are they shaking? He wonders faintly, trying to get his blurry eyes to focus.

Listing all the medications needed to be taken with their names and times of day are written in neat handwriting in English. "Goddammit, Dazai.." He mutters. Of course the idiot couldn't be nice just once in his life. Good thing he actually knows English. He may not be fluent in it, but he knows enough to understand what it's saying and translate it to what he understands.

Kunikida quickly realized how thorough the list is. It could have just been what meds to take and when but it's surprisingly detailed. Examples being, when and what to take them with, how to take it, if it needs to be dissolved in a cup of water, or swallowed whole, what happens if he forgets to take something and what to do, when to take it, what time is too late to take it and so on. He specifically also stated which ones are okay to skip sometimes and which ones not to skip no matter what.

When did he get the chance to write all of this..? Kunikida wonders. Having spent almost the entirety of yesterday with the other, he doesn't recall Dazai writing something down once. Dazai had managed to get the medications from his house as well, which Kunikida doesn't remember him doing. Odd. The former math teacher has pretty good memory recall, normally.

With more struggle than he'd ever admit to, Kunikida eventually manages to get into a sitting position with his legs out the bed, making some quite embarrassing noises he didn't know Dazai's vocal cords were even able to manage and frankly, doesn't want to hear the man make them. Ever.

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