House on fire

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can i still call this house a home?
when each breath has to beg to be taken?
when its flames have always charred my wings?

would it still be called a home?
if my heart leaps at the sight of being free
in an attempt to escape the worst of things?

would it still be called home?
if my soul lived a decade but died every year
in the same room that i dug my first grave?

would i still call these four brick walls a home?
where protection seems like a distant myth
and love was something no one ever gave?

how do i name this my home?
when i don't even know who i am anymore
because i've spent so long acting on stage?

would i still call this house a home?
when i wish to always be distant and far?
Tell me,
Would it then be a home or a lifelong cage?

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