The journey of the left eye (Chapter 1)

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( Y/n POV )

It has been over two years since I had started the cult and I now have over 20 members 

I feel accomplished in my goals when it comes to the cult but sadly I hadn't succeeded in my lords requests yes I had started a cult in their name but I had not taken down any of the demons of the old faith.

I also had no luck finding the one with the red crown my lord told me that I will find them sooner then I think, but it has been over two years honestly I'm starting to doubt my lord's words, I know I should keep my faith in my lord but sometimes I even question if the one with the red crown even exists at all.

Oh great leader one of my followers said

We are out of food and the others are worried that they might starve, they also said that they feel week so great leader could you please get some meat to help us they asked 

Alright I'll go grab some meat for you guys I say in a tired tone, my followers have been asking me to do things for them left and right and the fact that I can't sleep makes it worse so to say I'm exhausted is a understatement 

In the meantime tell Tobias to cook up the berries for you guys I say as I started my way to Darkwood.

After about a hour I finally make it to the entrance of Darkwood and start my travel 

I entered Darkwood and summoned my spear and walked through the first area, I was expecting to fight the old faith cult members or some of the Darkwood creatures but instead I saw that the entire area was ransacked, the grass was cut the rocks were destroyed but the most noticeable thing was a open treasure chest the same ones I normally get after I collect all the souls in the area

Why was it open here?

I continue on, but every area was the same except those times I got my tarot cards.

What happened here?

I went all through the place but it was all the same everything was either broken or gone I eventually settled on killing birds to get the meat I needed and when I was doing that one question stuck out to me, one that wouldn't go away until I got a answer.

What could have done all this?

I soon returned with little meat I had, well it was a lot of meat but because of how meany cult members I had everyone would need to get a bit less then normal to make sure there was enough for everyone.

I got back by nightfall and cooked up the meat, as my followers ate I started taking care of the plants, I decided that first thing in the morning I will go on another crusade to see if it would be the same.

Maybe that thing that took everything from that path was dead.



I hoped you are enjoying this so far 

And if you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments

 ( I do already have some of the story figured out but I want to see your thoughts and I may do a one-shot of it, if I like it)

( 557 ) words including this sentence 

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