A glance of fate (Chapter 3)

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 ( Lambs POV )

I cut my way through grass trying to get some flowers but I couldn't find anything 

UGH! Why do I always get the worst luck I complained as I kept cutting around, how could I have gotten my cults faith so low...what am I talking about? I let them eat a bowl of poop because before I got all the ingredients from my last crusade we didn't have any food and we had to resort to eating THAT!

I almost feel sick just thinking about putting that GROSS THING! in my mouth.

Better my followers then me I guess I think to myself before tripping on a stump

OOF I yelp as I hit the floor I sigh as I flop the other way making me face the sky, it was getting dark and fast, I wish I could sleep I thought to myself.

I've only had my cult for a few moths and yet I need to do everything cook clean I need to tell others to sleep or eat or go to bed if they get sick, I also need to bury bodies and garden I haven't gotten a break not mentioning the fact THAT I CAN'T SLEEP!

I just want a break I bet nobody knows how I feel I mean who else has had a cult for longer then me and has done everything I had more times and alone.

If anyone has done that I have mad respect for them.

...I stay there lying down listening to the crickets and owls and other sounds as I think

What if I stay here for a bit? it's peaceful here nothing like my noisy cult...I might just do that 

I rest my shoulders the best I can then I rest my legs I continue to relax my body I close my eyes even though I can't sleep I can at least try to be comfortable.

( Y/n POV )

I continue searching around Darkwood not finding any sign of whatever it was that did all that damage yesterday 

I kept searching all day until night 

I was starting to get worried for the cult I only gave them the meat so I can only hope that my fasting ritual will last a bit longer 

I keep walking around and suddenly I have this weird feeling like something knows I'm there

I breathed in and out as I start singing trying to calm my nerves ( you are singing the song that happens every time you start a crusade)

Suddenly you hear a few leaf's moving you turn around and a entire tree was gone 

Something wasn't right.

I am not alone.


Done and done 

Hello just going to say I will not be posting tomorrow since I'm busy


( 457 ) including this sentence 

Two red eyes ( Cult of the lamb x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now