Chapter 1

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Tony Stark was in his lab working on a new Iron Man suit when Rhodey came in.

"Hey Tones." He spoke. "You know that spider kid that you brought to Germany?" He asked.

"What about him?" Tony asked.

Rhodey handed Tony his phone. "There's another one." He spoke.

Tony's eyes widened as he looked at the picture on his friend's phone. There was Peter swinging in the suit that Tony made for him. Next to him was someone swinging in a mainly black spider-man suit.

Tony took out his phone and called Peter.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter said through the phone.

"Who's the other guy?" Tony asked.

"W-What are you talking about, M-Mr. Stark?" Peter stammered.

"Who's the other Spider-Man?" The billionare asked.

"Umm... He's, um. He's m-" Peter started before he got cut off.

"Hey, dad! Who are you talking to?" Tony heard a voice say.

"It's just Mr. Stark, Miles. And it is way past your bedtime. You should be asleep." Peter scolded the voice which Tony could now identify as 'Miles'.

"Dad?" Tony asked. "How can you be a dad? You're 15!"

"Mr. Stark, I'll tell you later, okay? I need to get my kid to sleep. Bye." Peter spoke. 

Before Tony could get another word in, Peter hung up. Tony heard a cough from behind him.

"So, the kids a dad?" Rhodey questioned.

"I guess so." Tony replied.

"By the way," Rhodey started "Pepper wanted me to tell you to sleep."

Tony sighed. "Okay, fine."

As Tony lied in bed that night, he wondered how a 15-year-old could be a father to a child.

Tony made a mental note to question Peter about the kid and he fell asleep.

Tale of Two Spiders [MCU]Where stories live. Discover now