My girl, Myka.

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The time had come for me to give birth. Myka was due today. We headed to the hospital. Theo had been brilliant over the last nine months, he took such good care of me, we entered the hospital and headed to the ward, after a long labour she was finally here, I held her in my arms awhile, Theo held her and the love he had in his eyes for her, a child that wasn't his own, Theo and I were still just really good friends so it wasn't like he would be her step dad. He was adopting her there and then, he signed the paperwork the nurse had prepared for him and he was legally her father.

We headed home, on our way home Theo stopped for food, I was starving, Theo left me in the car with Myka and he went to grab us some food, that's when I saw him, he wasn't meant to be out for at least three months. Tyler was walking down the street, I panicked, I pulled out my phone and called Theo.

"He's out." I panicked.

"What?" Theo replied his voice filled with confusion.

"Tyler, he just past by the car, he didn't notice me." I sobbed.

"I'm coming right out, hang on." Theo hung up.

He came darting out the store and into the car, I knew I couldn't avoid him forever and it would be inevitable we would see each other, we lived in a pretty small state, but seeing him out of prison so early sent panic through me and a part of my heart broke since Tyler was my best friend and my first love and relationship.

We arrived back at the house and got Myka settled, it was around 6pm and we were about to sit down for our nightly movie, then I heard a pounding on the door, Theo pressed his finger to his lips motioning for me to be quiet.

"Who is it?" I whispered.

"It has to be your dad, he's one of the few people with clearance." Theo replied.

"Why are we whispering then?" I asked.

Theo shrugged and answered the door, my dad funnelled in, followed by Tyler.

"What are you doing bringing him to my house?" Theo snapped.

"I came to see my daughter." Tyler snapped back.

"My daughter is asleep, and Theo has adopted her, so leave us alone." I spat, nervously.

Tyler darted towards me, anger in his eyes, he grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall.

"Listen here you slut, you took my child away from me, I want to see her." He squeezed at my throat.

"Let go." I gasped for air.

Theo lunged at Tyler, tackling him and releasing his grip on my throat.

"Get out of my house." Theo snapped.

"I just want to see her." Tyler pleaded.

"Maybe if you weren't violent." I snapped.

"I'll go to court." He hissed.

"They won't do anything, Theo adopted her, you are legally nothing to her." I spat.

Tyler stood there for a moment in the foyer, he looked emotionless, I felt a twang in my heart, it did hurt I was making him leave but he was so violent still, I nudged Theo.

"If he gets his anger sorted I'll consider supervised contact." I whispered to Theo.

"Okay. I'll tell him." Theo smiled.

He whispered my messaged to Tyler, Tyler had a small smile on his face, I watched as they exchanged whispers and then Theo slipped him something and then my father and Tyler left, the whole time my father stood quiet as though he had no involvement.

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