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Sneeg's pov


The skeleton doesn't show any reaction, or give response.


Yet again no reaction was given from him. What an ass


The skeleton only sighs and asks, 'what?'

"I'm bored."

'Why don't you create a fictional tv show then?'

"What? Why would I do that? Frank, you're a weird one, man."

'Sure, sure, you'll understand one day Sneeg.'

"If I could create a show, I feel like it would just be some weird villain with rats, and have them go through rooms. Maybe one of the room would be filled to the brim with candy, but they only play mouse trap. I mean, cmon isn't that stupid funny?"

'Hmm, I suppose yes...'

Frank seems all distracted now, maybe coming up with his own tv show. Well, pretty interesting idea if I say so myself.

"The puzzler... that's an awesome name for a villain."

'You have no idea what you've done.'

Eh? What does that mean... meh, I'll dwell more on it tomorrow or whenever I feel like it. "Goodnight Frank."


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