Chapter 18

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POV: First person, Miguel.

"Y/n! What's wrong with you?!" I stood up and ask her. Her many eyes now black and her fangs grew large, she was covered in blood.

My eyes scanned on her body, blood spatters everywhere, "Y/n... what did you do?" She said nothing, "Y/n! What did you do?!" I asked her again, a harsher tone.

"How the fuck does she have a broken leg?! Were you even watching her?! Huh? Were you!?" She walked closer to me.

"Y/n, hey calm down," I brought my hands up in defense, "What did you do with that Max Dillion?" I asked again. It seemed Jessica cleared our way so that no one else got hurt but that still meant many of the spider people were watching.

Rumor already spread that there was a variant of Gabriella. Everyone knew about what happened, except for Gabriella herself. They wouldn't dare to say that I am just a variant of her father.

"I'm asking the important questions here! Tell me, Miguel!" She pinned me against the wall, her hand on my throat, "If you care and love MY daughter this much, this would not have happened!" She pushed harder into my skin, my suit almost disappearing.

"Aghn!" I held onto her hand that was choking me, trying to release myself from her grasp, "Y/n fucking let go of me!" I pushed her off, coughing.

She stepped back but kept glaring me, "I knew you will bring harm to her..." she sighed, "and there I thought there was something..."

"Me bringing harm to her?!" I yelled at Y/n, "You left her alone in the apartment!" I pointed at her.

"I least she didn't end up with a broken leg, did she?" she pointed that out, I turned away and she added something else, "You do bring harm to her! You wanna know why? You know exactly what you have done to someone else's daughter, haven't you?!" I stay silent.

"That's right. Stay quiet," she continued, "The next thing we know is that she might die!"

She was met with silence again, which she probably prefer, "Stay away from us," she walked back into the medical zone and I was left outside of it.

Jessica then came next to me. I felt her hand on my back trying to comfort me but I turned and walked away, heading to my lab.

"They're literally a divorced couple," Lyla said to Jessica.

———{ }———

I sighed, sinking into my chair, "Miguel," Lyla popped up.

"Lyla not now..." I pinched to bridge of my nose, groaning.

She stopped, knowing that this is a bad time, "I'll turn off the lights," I thanked her and decided to loose myself with my thoughts.

Y/n is right though... I do put Gabriella in danger. I put them all in danger...

"I should've been right next to her," I muttered and rubbed my forehead, "Then this... wouldn't have happened,"

I keep telling myself that I should leave them alone but I can't. The feeling of happiness is there and I can't help but be drawn to it.

After a few minutes of peace, Lyla really just had to butt in, "OMG how come you didn't tell me about that other Lyla?!" she looked through the screens, "Wow! She looks just like me!" I groaned and sunk into my chair further.


———{ }———

"She killed an anomaly," I repeated what Jessica said and let out a sigh, "No puedo mas..."

"This is what's left of him..." Jessica pointed to the spider people who brought the remains of a Max Dillion.

I was horrified at the site of him. His stomach was ripped open, and his face was gone. The face was left next to him on the table, "Did she eat him or something?" I asked Jessica and Peter, knowing that they witnessed this.

"No," Peter shook his head, "but she was going insane just like the first time we was this,"

"So the clones, black eyes, fangs and claws?" I raised a brow and sighing again, "Find out which earth this one is from, and I'll discuss about it with the spider," I my gaze went towards Lyla, who obeyed.

"I do think that Y/n is a very intelligent and strong spider-woman to join," Jessica suggested, "But she needs to control her temper or else she could kill anyone without knowing..."

I looked down, my hands on my waist, "That's probably my fault," I mumbled, "Gabriella- the child was injured... almost didn't catch her in time," my voice trailed at the last words of my sentence.

"This is all messed up," Jessica shook her head, sighing.

"Miguel you need to know something here," Peter brought a hand up in a sassy motion.

"Know what, exactly?" I raised a brow, snarling a bit, cause he's usually an unserious person.

Peter plays with his brows, looking somewhere else that's fascinating, "None of this would have happened if you left them alone..."

I looked away, already knowing my mistakes, "I know..." I breathed some air, closing my eyes then opening them, "I know what I did,"

"Miguel... Gabriella's canon event never happened... it was supposed to be today," Lyla showed me the actual model.

What was supposed to happen was that the concrete was supposed to fall on her. Gabriella in there said she was thirsty and that she could get water on her own. Her mother trusted her on finding her way.

Whilst finishing her water, the concrete collapsed on her. Blooded pooled out of the floor as Y/n ran towards the scene.

Y/n cried as she held her only purpose in life, whose now gone.

But since that never happened because I changed it. I was there, I saved Gabriella. But now what will happen to there world now? Will their world vanish into bits like the last time? Will I able to see Gabriella again?

Will I have to run to the portal cradling Gabriella in my arms? Will she disappear in my arms once again?

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now