Chapter 52

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(Now let's talk about the reader's theme music. So a person commented that they were listening to this while the reader was beating the team's ass so yeah I like it. But you can pick something else if you)

POV: First person, Miguel.

I gasped quietly, I blinked once then twice, "what- Cariño- Gabriella I can explain why I want to hide my-," she stopped me.

"Because you're afraid of what will happen to me if I knew?" Gabriella finished my sentence, swinging her legs around, "when we were watching Coco, you accidentally... left one of your screens on. It was me and you. Mami explained to me about the multiverse. Although I'm young, I should know about because I've around here for a long time. So somewhere out there... there's the both of us, as father and daughter," I explained as Miggy remained silent as ever.

I continued to talk, "I didn't tell Mami this. I don't know how she'll feel about this if I told her. Before I knew you were my papá from a different universe, I thought that maybe if you could spend time with Mami..." I laughed nervously, "you could be my step-papá. But when I saw who you were actually were, I didn't know what to do,"

I held Miggy's hand on mine, giving it a light squeeze. I looked up at him, his mask finally off, revealing who was my papá from my universe. I saw the tear in his eyes, threatening to fall, "I thought you would hate me, or worse would've been disgusting by me. I never intended to replace my mija, I just wanted to be with the people who I love," his voice quivered, "I wanted to keep you safe, that means hiding my face. I didn't want to lose you and Mami," he caresses my cheek, those same tears falling.

I tried to hold back my tears too, I quickly hugged him, wrapping my arms around his waist, "I don't want to replace my papá either... but being with you is fun and I feel safe at the same time," I sniffled and he hugged me back, his head on mine, "I don't know how to tell Mami, that I want you as my papá. I don't want Mami to think that I'm replacing my actual- papá. I just- I just," he shushes me as I embraced him more.

"Don't worry, I'll try to talk her out of it," Miggy reassured me, soothing my hair, "We loose someone in our life. That feeling of happiness is done with them too, we just want to feel that emotion of happiness again, don't we?" I nodded and pulled back, looking up at Miggy.

"So you think Mami is able to love you again? Even if you aren't actually him," I asked, "Cause I think we can all still be happy," I looked at the spider people talking.

"Like I'm sure there other spider people who are happy to see a variant of their loved ones too," I continued, "it's only fair for the rest of us right?"

Miggy nodded with a grin, "Yeah," he looked at the spider people too. Those people who had lost someone they loved found someone again. In every universe, there's something different for every person, everything. Even if it's a big difference, you can still to love someone different, don't always try to find someone who acts the same as the one before. Just trying to find someone who is exactly like before, you're just replacing them, "Yeah... we all can,"

We stayed there watching as people had the joyous of their time, being with the people they love.

———{                                     }———

POV: First person, Y/n.

I finished up making a shit load of hamburgers, walking back to the spot were Miguel and Gabriella should be.

But I didn't see them sitting on the bench at all. Where did they go? I thought I told them to stay put. I groaned with a sigh. They just don't listen...

I took out the device and called Miguel. He answered the call, "Where are the both of you?!" I shouted at the device, "What did I say before I left?!" I scolded him.

Miguel hissed at the other end, probably my yelling made his ears bleed, "We're at my office, uh the place got a little too loud and crowded for Gabriella," he explained.

I ended the call and went to Miguel's office. The metal door opened, the room dark. I walked passed the makeshift living room, and to the platform where Miguel monitors universes.

It looks like Miguel and Gabriella brought the platform up. I sprung up to the platform, landing on it with ease, "You two scared me for a minute. I didn't know where you guys-," I gasped, looking at the yellow screens showing variants of Gabriella and Miguel moments together.

"Oh wow, so that's me with black curly hair?" Gabriella pointed at a yellow screen, showing a variant of Gabriella with the hair described.

When they heard my gasp, they both flinched and turned around, "Oh... Y/n- I forgot..." Miguel's voice trailed away.

"Hi... Mami," Gabriella smiled, laughing nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

I looked at Gabriella then Miguel, doing the same multiple times, before signing, "What- what did I miss?" I asked, clearly seeing that Miguel revealed himself and the face that he's showing videos of him and Gabriella from different universes.

They explained to me that Gabriella had already knew that Miguel is a variant of her father, keeping it a secret from everyone, not know how they would react. Miguel wanted to show her the variant of him and Gabriella.

All this information was so simple, but overwhelming, "Oh... um..." My head felt a little wobbly, "I think imma sit down for a bit..." I webbed to the living room. Sitting on the couch.

"Is Mami mad, Miggy?" Gabriella asked Miguel, her eyes glassy.

Miguel immediately shook his head, "No no no, Cariño," he cleared his throat and pressed the button, to bring down the platform, "Stay here and look at the videos, I'll speak with your mother,"

Gabriella weakly nodded, playing with her fingers, wondering what am I going to do about this.

Felicidad Anhelante (Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now