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Night will come and the sun will soon settle down, retiring to welcome the silver moon. With the fading colors of dusk that the day left behind, slowly and slowly it's disappearing to darkness. People all over Pingle Town were all thrilled with joy, happiness within their voice rings across the streets seeing the dazzling red lights. Hanging on top of their heads they can see lanterns and the other variety of ornaments that they've hung up the other day. Having a wonderful time as they carry on with the joyful moment they're experiencing, everyone in town does, not a single house or family or any other people would miss this beautiful opportunity.

Except for one, on the other side of town. Bai Residence.

For the very few hours all have been in complete silence, that is because of a certain person. After his mouth was forced to shut close, after his all the careless movements and actions he made were all stopped by Jia Gui himself. As laid back as he is now, Shi Huan now feeling the entire pain after math all over his body, after Jia Gui puts him in a tough and very stiff situation. Yes, very stiff as how Shi Huan can react to it. The body freezing method never made him fall out weak after some certain activities he'd usually do in a day like running or climbing through wall and other of his mischievous stuffs. Shi Huan couldn't help but make a fuss about it, as he stated he laid there on the hard ground. Unable to move, was forced to be rigid stiff like a statue or close to a corpse who'd be lying dead for three days. While trying to regain every of his energy by stretching every part of his body that was numb from the freezing spell, feeling his muscles more relaxed as his bones move freely again. Shi Huan exhales his breath as he no longer feels the numb parts of his body, feeling greater than before.

Once he finishes his quick recovery exercise, leaving only a slight sound his bones cracking. Shi Huan leans over to his side, finding Jia Gui tending to help the young master. By the looks of it, the young master's body seems to be so frail and weak, no wonder he managed to get sick this easily something Shi Huan thought to himself. Minutes went by, Jia Gui couldn't be more curios as he sensed Shi Huan staring at him from behind. He wonders what Shi Huan wanted now; he quickly turns to Shi Huan to ask him what he wants or what's wrong. Wanting to avoid his gaze, Shi Huan turns his sight away from Jia Gui, not wanting to annoy him any further. Seeing how Jia Gui was already at his limit when it comes to his peculiar ways. Shi Huan can already feel his annoyed gaze, as he can describe it; Despite how calm Jia Gui looks outside, within him he may not be as calm as Shi Huan thinks at first. Jia Gui knitted his brows out of frustration; he spoke up saying.

"I'm not in the slightest of being in a happy mood talk to you." Jai Gui continued saying; "But however, I just want to know about something."

Shi Huan was caught off guard as he wasn't paying any attention towards Jia Gui's words. His eyes peered on to the other side of the rooms, looking at the other items around the place. Distracting himself from an odd foul smell, the same one he had smelled earlier by the shabby room. Shi Huan had always tried to escape from Jia Gui's watchful eyes multiple times, but those escape plans failed to succeed. Jia Gui somehow asked him the same question, the same question that he asked Shi Huan at the brothel.

"Shi Huan, can you at least tell me. Why did you disappear three years ago?" Jia Gui asked the distracted Shi Huan softly.

Shi Huan paused at his question as he pondered for a moment. He didn't expect for Jia Gui to ask this very same question again, as how he is not sure how to answer. At this given state he had to made up a lie about his situation. Shi Huan stretched forward towards Jia Gui, eyes meeting each other though not that close. His black eyes staring at Jia Gui intensely, as he pursed his lips to speak softly.

"Again, Jia Gui this question again?"

Jia Gui wouldn't want to let this matter slide again, he would do anything to interrogate Shi Huan, even if it's getting more and more of a nausea day by day. With stern eyes and an unwavering face, Jia Gui replied to Shi Huan with

Moonlight Breeze That Carries Sorrows {Yuèguāng Wéifēng Zài Chóu}Where stories live. Discover now