Chapter 29

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Valyrian magic. Deirys has another dream and some things are explained to her. Viserys finally makes a decision about Otto's trial. Deirys puts a plan into action. Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old

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                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old.)



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Deirys sighed when she realized she was dreaming again, her dreams were very informative, but they also left her very tired. Sometimes it felt like her energy was being sucked out. She was in the middle of the Valyrian capital. People were walking around, she could see dragons flying overhead. Everything looked like everyday life, but she still could not get over the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Her chest felt tight and she could not help but think that things were about to go very badly.

"It is not a good feeling, is it?" Deirys looked to the right and saw a man standing beside her. He was very tall, dressed in valyrian steel and red armor. He had white shoulder-length hair. He had one of those faces that made it hard to guess his age. He gave her a mocking smile. "I am Aegarax."

"You are the creator of the first dragon."

"Yes, I am. I am god of all creatures that walk, run, swim, or fly." He looked around them. "I gave your people a gift, even if that was not what I meant to do when I created dragons. I knew the dragons would help save humanity one day. Your ancestors used the power I gave them and created the largest and most advanced empire in the world. They used my creation to subjugate entire cities and enslaved people."

"Yes, they created a great civilization." Deirys looked up to see the dragons flying and playing in the air. "I am very thankful for the knowledge all of you have given me. I cannot believe how much was lost in the doom."

"Yes, it was a great tragedy. You have learned much from us, but now is the time for you to learn something else."

"Something else?" Deirys frowned. "What else do you want me to learn?"

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