Chapter 46

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We see the aftermath of Rhaegon's injury. Rhaegon and Jaehaera have a moment. We have a 5 month time jump in the second half. We meet Aemond and Deirys's fourth child. Aemond and Deirys get frisky in a hallway. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                 Rhaegon Targaryen (18 years old

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                                                 Rhaegon Targaryen (18 years old.)


                                                  Jaehaera Targaryen (17 years old

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                                                  Jaehaera Targaryen (17 years old.)

Rhaegon's eyes felt heavy, he was having a bit of trouble opening them. A voice reached his ears, it was soft and melodic, making him feel calm. He could also smell honeysuckle. His ribs, side, back and head were killing him. He was finally able to open his eyes and was confused for a minute. He was staring at a black and gold canopy, it took him a few minutes to realize it was his bed canopy. He moved his head toward the voice, holding back a whimper as his head throbbed. Once he was able to see past the pain, he discovered who the voice belonged to. Jaehaera was sitting on a chair beside his bed, a book in her lap, she was reading to him. It must have been the pain in his head that stopped him from thinking clearly, but for the first time in his life, he noticed how pretty she was. She was a wearing lilac gown that made her eyes seem even bluer. Her silver blonde hair was falling down her shoulders in soft curls. She was always so quiet and shy around him, that she barely spoke, which is why it had taken him so long to recognize the voice as hers.
She kept reading, her voice sweet and unhurried. Jaehaera was different from his siblings and parents. She did not have that much interest in dragons, she preferred to have her books and walk in the gardens. Rhaegon was aware that she was in love with him, she had been in love with him since before she understood what her feelings were. Which was why he never gave her any kind of hope, he did not want to hurt her. Hurting her was like hurting a babe and he just could not bring himself to do it. His mother and sisters were worried that he would break her heart and so was her mother. Rhaegon watched her read for a moment, she was so into the story that she did not even realize that he was watching her.
"I believe the doom is not too far off." She jumped so high that the book fell to the ground. She looked at him in shock. "I did not realize you like stories about Old Valyria."
"Rhaegon." She stood up and moved closer to the bed. "You are finally awake?"
"Finally?" Rhaegon frowned. "How long have I been asleep?"
"A little over a fortnight." She sat on the bed, touching his forehead. "Your wound festered and you had a fever. It finally broke last night, but we did not know when you would wake up."
"You have been here all night?"
"Most of it." She shrugged. "Aunt Rhaenyra made me leave for a few hours, she insisted I needed rest. I came back before the sun was up in the sky and convinced your mother to get some rest. She has not been sleeping and was looking a bit exhausted. I thought Uncle Daemon was going to tie her to the bed."
"He would have." Rhaegon laughed and then let out a groan.
"Oh Gods, I have been so careless." Her face was one of horror as she stoop up and started heading for the doors. "I need to get the healers."
"Wait." Rhaegon grabbed her hand and heard her suck in a breath. She turned to him, the flush in her cheeks spreading down her throat. "Can you have the guards tell my parents? I believe my mother will feed you to her dragon if she finds out I woke up and you did not send for her."
Jaehaera nodded and walked to the door once he let go of her hand. He could hear the sound of her voice, but could not actually tell what she was saying. A few minutes later his mother and father ran into the room. His mother laughed, climbing on the bed and kissing his face. He smiled at his mother's exuberance.
"We are so happy you are awake." His father ran a hand over his head, smiling at him. "You had us worried."
"What happened?" The last thing he remembered was running toward his uncle Aemond. "I do not remember anything after running toward Uncle Aemond."
"The building went up in flames, the wildfire making it explode. You both fell out of the window." His father sat beside him. "Your dragon grabbed you both in midair and hurt you by accident. We brought you here and the healers tended to you."
"Well, at least tell me that we were able to get all those traitors from the faith." He attempted to move and groaned when pain shot down his body. "I will be really upset if I almost died for nothing."
"We were able to get them. We questioned them and the ones found guilty were executed." Daemon let out a sigh. "The bad news is that most of the building was destroyed, most of that knowledge we were attempting to preserve was destroyed. The lords are not happy about it."
"Is not like we were the ones who destroyed the building." Rhaegon was about to say more when the healers walked into the room.
His parents moved away from the bed and let the healers examine him. While the healers were probing and poking him Rhaegon looked around and frowned. Jaehaera was gone, she had never returned once his parents had come into his chambers. He did not like the fact that she had left without saying goodbye. She had been taking care of him, he would need to think of a way to thank her.

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