Made in his image.

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It has become a norm, and even an object of laughter when two people who are arguing begin to insult each others physique.

It has become so acceptable, that you could just be walking past, and overhear someone make a negative or unpleasant comment about another persons body. Do we even stop to think about the hundreds or thousands of faces we see every day? Like you dont know if this stranger you just made a joke about is an angel of God, or a servant of God who has the power to bless or curse, (see 2 Kings 3 v 23-25). They could even be a demon or an evil spirit looking for someone to torment, or possess. Yes, these things happen!

But in our ignorance, we would just open your mouths and say whatever suits our tongue.

By the way, who told you that dark skinned people should not wear coloured clothes? Who told you that big people must wear a certain size of clothes? Who taught you to feel superior to short people, skinny people? Who told you to classify that person as shapeless and unattractive? Who even created the insane, unrealistic standard of beauty? What is that ridiculous yardstick that is being used to measure people? I could go on, and on. Who started the madness?

The society.

The same rotten and corrupt society that we all condemn, is the same society that many people, including Christians, take lectures from.

I will remind you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that God made each and every one of us, in his image and likeness. His image and our image are the same. So what he is, we are. And what he is not, we are not.

The next time you see someone that doesnt quite fit your taste, chew your words, mix it with saliva and spit it out. Then, take time to reflect on the fact that that person was built to look like God. And my God is not shapeless!

The bible condemns those who cannot curb their tongue, those who use words carelessly. So, before you begin to launch a comeback at anyone that tries to caution you if you happen to fall into this category, remember that the Bible condemned it first.

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