Letter to the Churches of this generation

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Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet you.

I encourage you, now more than ever to spend more time in prayer, and studying God's word. For we are in the dark ages. And God has begun to gradually gather his people, sealing their foreheads with his name.

The devil and his legions of demons know they are running out of time and so they are fiercely working with tooth and nail to steal as many souls as they can. They are coming up with new ways to capture souls, they are creatively innovating more distractions to lure souls away from God.

Now, you child of God, can you not tell you are more at risk? The devil is not impressed at the downfall of a thousand pagan souls. But you brothers and sisters, that have been given the privilege to call God, Abba Father, he will find more delight in dragging you down to the Abyss with himself.

There is an increasing number of Christians who do not read the Bible any longer. Some find the Gospel boring. Many close their doors at Evangelists, or argue with them out of pride.

It should not be so.

Christians these days, in an argument will say, "Leave the Bible first," or "Don't bring Religion into this," or "Everything is not God. God gave us wisdom to think for ourselves too."

These are the words of Christians who have gone astray, without even knowing they have. Their hearts know of God, but their spirit is dim, and does not acknowledge him.

To them, I say, "You cannot leave the Bible- in any case, no matter what- as it is the word of God, and Jesus Christ himself. And if your religion is Christianity, then you must apply it in every aspect of your life, because it is your identity. Everything is about God. Everything revolves around God. Even in heaven, the twenty-four Elders and the four living creatures fall on their face and worship God without ceasing. God is everything. Without God-"

"If your wisdom is not in line with God, then you are foolish. Our wisdom is foolishness in the sight of God. He wants us to lean on his own wisdom and not on our understanding. If you had any wisdom, and you read your Bible, you would already know this."

The morals of many Christians have turned upside down because they failed to be transformed by the renewal of their minds, so consequently, they have conformed to the pattern of this world. Many Christians have mastered the art of justifying their sins rather than repent.

To these sinners Isaiah says, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil." (Is 5:20)

If you study your Bible, and meditate on his word, you will know God for yourself. You will yearn for a relationship with him. Your knees with buckle and you will fall on your face and ask for forgiveness, and his mercy will come upon you. Studying the word of God as Christians cannot be overemphasized. Your Christianity cannot be complete without God's word- Jesus Christ himself. Do not shuffle between Psalm 23, 51 and 91 alone. Do not quote famous Bible verses out of hearsay, read it for yourself. Open every page from Genesis to Revelation, and you will know the God of your fathers, the Son of God who died for you, the Holy Spirit who justified you at baptism and many times afterward when you had fallen, essentially the Holy Trinity and the world to come.

The Bible predicts a time when false prophets will flood the earth, preaching a fake and new Gospel that is apart from the one Christ gave us. The false prophets are here, everywhere. They may be your friends, your colleagues, your favorite vendors, and your son-in-law. They are preaching a perverse morality, and their followers are increasing every day, persecuting the real prophets of God.

But it is well. You cannot spit on those that God has glorified in Heaven.

Dear brothers and sisters, please read your Bible today and every day. Please, lest you will be distracted, deceived and dragged down to hell.

You are too precious to be lost. Your soul is worth more than gold and silver.

Your soul is worth the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Peace be with you.

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