chapter four

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Chapter four

The second day of my senior year starts off much like the first day. I still struggle to locate my locker, and I'm still late for homeroom However, the day just happens to brighten a little. I enter homeroom and find Charity's hands waving frantically in the air, motioning for me to sit by her. I snicker as I join her on the far end of the classroom.

"Good morning," I say as I sit in the desk in front of her.

"Hey!" She greets, leaning over her desk. "How was your day


"It was interesting," I reply, trying to hide the hateful day that it truly was.

"I think it'll take some time, but you'll catch on eventually."

I nod and hope with all my heart that she's right.

"By the way, I saw you in the hallway yesterday at lunch, but I didn't see you afterwards. Where'd you go?" My thoughts are interrupted by Charity's question.

"I had a really nice reservation in the girl's bathroom," I reply, trying to make it sound somewhat humorous.

"Are you kidding me?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I wish," I respond.

"You're sitting with my group today and I refuse to take no as an answer!"

I don't refuse. Actually, I'm quite delighted that I will not have to spend a full hour dining next to a toilet.

The bell rings, but before Charity and I go our different ways, she promises to meet me at my locker at the start of lunch. I skip off to math class, feeling a little more optimistic about my day.

Math is nothing new. A couple girls around me introduce themselves and welcome me to Riverdale high, but other than that, I continue my doodle that I had started the previous day. In ethics, I become very intrigued in the class conversation about a recent stabbing that took place in Manhattan where

many people had saw the attack, but nobody had tried to help. For some reason, I get very bothered hearing about incidents like that.

When the lunch bell rings, I dash up two flights of stairs towards my locker, hoping Charity hadn't forgotten about me. As I round the corner, relief flushes through my body as I spot her leaning against the locker next to mine, waiting patiently.

Charity doesn't say a word as I chuck my books into my locker and grab my paper bag. Once I shut my locker, she grabs my arm and drags me through the halls. Instead of leading me to the cafeteria, she leads me to a side door and outside of the school. I don't question or ague, but I just follow closely behind as we walk to the back of the school where I notice several picnic tables set up around campus.

Charity starts to approach a picnic table with about four other people sitting around it. I stand beside Charity and plaster a small smile on my face, trying to look as friendly as possible. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm quite an awkward person.

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