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Tara entered the office to see mrs ortega sitting at her desk writing some stuff down "sit down carpenter" she said. Tara frowned as shes worked hard for the principal to call her by her first name instead of her last name.

"i heard you were speaking in the class room" She said "i was but i didnt speak much! it was Amber, Amber was talking and she blamed me!" Tara said looking at her straight into her eyes "Dont lie and blame it on the new student Carpenter!" She yelled "Ugh fine whatever!" Tara said as she stormed out of the office.

the bell rang and Amber found Tara "Wow carpenter i didnt know you had the guts to say that to me" Amber said smirking "shut up whats your next class" Tara said "science" Amber said. Taras heart dropped did she have every class with this dumb girl?!

"i see it in your eyes thay we have the same class?" Amber asked "yes now shut up and don't talk to me in class" Tara said. Amber pushed her against the locker. Tara looked up at her "ill do whatever i want carpenter" Amber said caressing Taras cheek "Get away from me!" Tara said pushing her off and walking to science as Amber followed putting her hands in her pockets.

Tara and Amber walk in together. Tara sat in front of mindy before class started she was speaking to mindy until Amber wanted to talk. Tara rolled her eyes and turned "what!" Tara whispered yelled "damn girl whats your problem?" Amber asked "You! especially what you did to me in the hallway?! and i got in trouble twice because of you Amber!" Tara said.

Amber turned to where the teacher was gonna be at any second. Tara also turned that direction and crossed her arms. Amber looked at the shorter girl and smirked a bit, she liked this attitude that Tara had.

the teacher explained the homework and a project and that they got to choose the partner. Tara felt bad for how she acted with Amber so she looked at Amber and Amber looked at her "wanna be my partner?" Tara asked with a soft voice "uhm sure i guess" Amber said moving her desk with Taras.

"so can i go to your house?" Amber asked before Tara said anything she had to think. her mom was a drunk her sister wasnt even there and her dad left when she was young she definitely couldnt have Amber there.

"uh how about we just go over to your house maybe?" Tara asked, Amber sighed "fine whatever" Amber said "im sorry" Tara whispered while looking down. Mindy was the only person who knew what happened at her house and she wasnt going to tell the new girl.

"for what?" Amber asked putting her hand on Taras shoulder "i just cant let you come over i mean my mom is-" before Tara could say anything else Amber spoke "its fine dont worry my parents are gone to Paris anyway just come over sleep over if you want to" Amber reassured Tara.

Tara smiled and gave Amber a hug. by that she knew Amber didnt like physical touch. Amber pushed her away and they started their project on buildings. they had to make a mini golf course with the build they choose. Tara and Amber decided to do the Eiffel tower since Ambers parents were in paris.

they started with the structure of the tower first before making the actual golf course. The class ended and Tara was happy that it went well with her and Amber.

it was already lunch and Tara was just about to walk to the table until she looked at Amber "hey do you maybe wanna come sit with us at lunch?" Tara asked "no why the hell would i wanna sit with you guys?" Amber said slamming her locker.

"oh ok then" Tara said. Amber felt kinda bad "i was just joking of course ill sit with you guys" Amber said as she sighed "Oh alright lets go!" Tara said with a smile. while they were walking down the hallway people were staring at Amber and Tara.

They both ignored it and got at the table. Wes and Chad already fighting over the worst super smash bros character "its obviously the villager!" Chad said "No way! its definitely pikachu!" Wes argued. Tara smiled and sat down next to Amber.

Tara saw that Amber didnt bring a lunch "you didnt bring anything?" Tara whispers "no im not hungry" Amber said looking at Tara in the eyes. "Share some of my food" Tara said, Amber knew she couldn't say no because she would just keep on asking "Fine" Amber said "catch the grape!" Tara said as she threw it in the air and Amber catches it in her mouth.

"YES YOU DID IT" Tara said raising her hands for a high five, Amber rolled her eyes and smiled as she gave her a high five. "Your turn!" Amber said as she threw the grape in the air and Tara misses "Aww damn it" Tara said with a smile looking at Amber.

the group looked at the two and felt the tension already. it was the first day but they knew something was going to happen between them. "you guys gonna keep looking at eachother oorrr???" Mindy said. Tara and Amber both looked away from eachother and ate the grapes normally.

the bell rang and every one went to class.

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