It meant nothing.

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everyone went back to they're own place except for Tara she went back with Amber. as soon as they laid on the bed they fell asleep in each other's arms.

they woke up and it was 10pm. Tara and Amber sat up and looked at eachother not knowing what happened at all.

Amber looked at Taras neck and back at her "holy fuck" Amber said "what?" Tara asked "you have hickeys" Amber said "did i do that?" Amber asked in a quiet tone.

"i dont know" Tara said as she grabbed her phone and saw three texts from Mindy

"finally me and wes have been waiting for you amd Amber to makeout"
"btw the hickeys are from Amber"
"so are you two a thing now?"

Taras heart dropped as she read those messages. she looked at Amber "you did it" Tara said standing up in a panic as she said that, Amber stood up and tried to comfort Tara "Tara its ok if anything you didn't want me to stop" Amber said laughing a bit.

Tara pushed away from Amber and tears started to form "It meant nothing Amber! we were both drunk!" Tara said regret filled her brain. she regretted everything she just said.

Amber stood there. emotionless. not saying a word.

"Amber i-" Tara tried saying but Amber cut her off "get. out."Amber said as tears started to form "Amber please i-" Tara tried saying before she was cut off again "GET. OUT." Amber screamed louder as she began to sob.

Tara started to cry as she grabbed her phone and left Ambers house. Amber slammed the door and locked it. she turned her back on the door and rested it sliding down onto the floor. her knees in her face as she sobbed.

Amber didn't know what to do. she finally realized she liked the girl but Tara didn't like her. she felt like shit thinking she even had a chance with her. Amber went up to her bedroom and hugged a pillow as she sobbed.

Tara walked home with tears down her face as she sobbed regretted everything she said to Amber ahe really liked the girl but just didn't know how to show it.

Tara went home and hugged he pillow while crying, she fell asleep while sobbing. a few hours later she woke up to the alarm for school she prepared her bag but didn't eat. she wasnt hungry is what she always said to herself.

When it was time to go she put on her bag and started walking to school.

she walked to school and sat down where they usually sat. Amber sat down next to her not saying a word to Tara.

Tara looked up at Amber and saw her eyes were red and puffy from crying all night.

"Amber can we please ta-" Tara said but was cut off by Amber "so how was everyones night" Amber said trying to ignore Tara.

"uhhh Tara trying to talk to you Amber" Wes said "oh thats a surprise sense i mean nothing to her" Amber said looking at Tara "your putting words in my mouth! i didnt say that!" Tara said getting mad.

"that what you made it seem like!" Amber said get mad as well "i just said the kiss meant nothing or whatever it was!" Tara said yelling a bit louder.

Amber started to cry again so did Tara. the group looked at them in shock.

"can we just talk privately" Tara said as she wiped her tears "fine whatever" Amber said as Tara grabbed her hand and led her too the bathroom.

"im sorry amber it was a wrong choice of words it wasnt nothing i just didn't know what to say in the moment and i was just scared it was going to ruin things between us" Tara said as she started to tear up again.

Amber sighed and wiped Taras tears and hugged her, Tara hugged back and smiled.

they heard someone walk in and pulled away from eachother. the rest of the school day was still ok but amber was still ignoring Tara a bit


its so hard to ignore Tara i tried to be mad at her this morning i really did but i cannot i mean those eyes, i hate seeing them cry.

it was at lunch when i realized what Tara said "it wasnt nothing" i tried ignoring her words but i couldn't does that mean she likes me back?! maybe im just thinking to much into this.

"Oh shit quinn just invited us to a sleepover!!" Liv said with having the biggest smile. "oh shit really?" Wes said "no just the girls" Liv added "aww come on!" Chad said laughing.

"is that the same girl who threw the party?" I asked "yeah" Mindy answered "then im not going" is said crossing my arms.

"please Amber" Tara said as she looked at me and pouted "Pleaaaassseeee" Tara said. i smiled "ugh fine" i said uncrossing my arms "YAYAYAAY" Tara said all excited. shes cute when shes excited.

while me and Tara walked to class i bumped into this girl "shit sorry" i said looking at the girl. she was pretty but then again i call every girl pretty.

"its fine" the girl said before looking at me "oh my god your Amber freeman right" The girl asked "yep and you are??" I asked "Laura" Laura said smiling "that's a pretty name" i say smiling as well.

i look down at Tara when i feel a tug on my arm "Amber lets go were gonna be late to class" Tara says sounding kinda mad.

"are you coming to quinns sleepover?" Laura asked "yeah i am actually" I said "alright then ill see you there" The tall brunette said as she left and waved at me. i waved back then was gonna look at Tara but she was gone?

i went to class and sat next to her she didn't even say hi to me "hey" i said smiling "Hi" Tara said not even looking at me. "why did you leave me there we always walk to class together" I said looking at Tara.

she finally looked up at me "i didnt want to ruin your moment with your new girlfriend" Tara said then looked away "wait what are you talking about?" i asked "i saw the way you looked at her amber" Tara said. "tara what are you on about?" i kept asking but Tara just kept ignoring me i rolled my eyes and gave up.

school finally ended and i was so happy i looked for Tara so i could talk to her but i couldn't find her. after a few minutes i sighed and gave up on trying.

i walked home thinking about Tara i mean when dont i think of Tara. i got home and started packing my bag for the sleepover. i got a text from liv saying she was picking my up. which i didnt mind of course.

i waited outside for liv then after 10 minutes of waiting i see her car pull up in my drive way i smile and get in the back beside Tara. me and Tara didn't say a word to eachother which was sad because i really wanted to talk to her but i just didnt know what to say.

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