𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

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YOU AWOKE at the sound of your kids yelling and opening the door.

"Mom, mom, wake up! wake up!" All of the sudden you felt weight on top of you and you automatically smiled knowing it's your kids.

You turned around and hugged your two little boys while still laying on your bed. "Good morning my loves" you kissed your kids on their faces and then they did the same.

This, this was it. This is how you want to spend the rest of your mornings like.

Waking up at the sound of your kids voices and then sharing kisses with them, and your husband.

While you were busy kissing your little kids, your husband of 6 years, Finn, has been watching you there, leaning at the doorframe.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his little family being happy. God, he loved his family so much.

"Mom will you please make us pancakes with whipped cream, please, please, please?" Your 5 year old younger son, pleaded with those dark brown doe eyes that he inherited from his father.

"Why don't you ask your daddy to make you some baby?, just let mommy wake up a little?" You told him while running your hands through his curly black hair that he -again- inherited from his father.

Your kids look just like your husband. That made you very happy.

Sure they looked just like Finn but they still got some features from you like your nose and your other son got the color of your eyes and hair.

"I like yours more!, please mommy please" your kids started jumping up and down in your bed.

You turned around and saw your husband standing there with a little smile on his face and you couldn't help but return one too.

"Okay kids go to the kitchen and wait for me, I'll be there in a minute" with that they jumped from the bed "yes!!!" and passed Finn to the kitchen.

You stretched your hand towards your husband so that he would hold it. "Good morning my love" he said kissing your hand and sat down on the bed" "hmm morning, how long have you been up?" You asked and Finn turned to look at the small clock you had on your nightstand.

"About an hour" he said and rubbed your hand "why didn't you wake me up?" "Well you were very tired yesterday, since you have been traveling a lot lately for work, so I let you sleep"

You see, you and Finn were very busy with work, since you both are actors, there have been times when you have been away from home for filming and there's been times when Finn has been away, but there's also been times when you have both been away so you would let your kids to their grandparents.

Sure you could get one of them each but the kids were inseparable, they were like twins, and separating them from one another for as long as you guys needed to be away for work, would hurt them, so you decided that every time, you guys would let them stay to their grandparents' house and wound speak with them and check on them every day through the phone.

This time was okay tho cause Finn lately hasn't been busy so the kids were with him the whole time and they would call you every day and you would call them too.

"Well thank you baby" you turned to leave a kiss to his temple and got up to freshen up and get dressed for the day.

You removed the blankets off of you and got up. You went to the bathroom, looked at yourself in the mirror, you did that everyday for absolutely no reason, and then used the toilet.

When you were done you washed your hands and then brushed your teeth and then your face.

While you were drying your face with the towel, Finn hugged you from behind. He gave a kiss to your neck which -even after being together for 8 years- gave you butterflies. "I missed you so much, the kids missed you too"

Yesterday you had just came home from filming to Dubai. Your family surprising you at the airport.

You hung the towel back on the wall and leaned on his front "You have no idea how much I missed you guys too, it's the worst feeling ever being away from you" you guys looked at each other through the mirror and smiled, you turned around and kissed him and hugged him.

"Mommy pancathkes!" You heard you younger son again. You and Finn broke the hug and smiled at each other at the sound of your children.

Then you made your way to the kitchen to see your kids covered with flour all over their faces. You and Finn laughed at the sight of your children "I'll clean them up" Finn said and then moved to get ahold your little boys "I'll make the pancakes" and you walked to the kitchen to make them.

Finn held both of the boys in his arms walking to the bathroom and while you were cleaning up the counter you looked at your favorite boys and couldn't help but feel blessed to have your family.

You didn't care that the kitchen was a mess, you didn't care if that happened everyday for the rest of your life, cause you were happy with the people who give a meaning to your life and that you loved with all of your heart.

WC: 1000words
PUBLISHED: July 7th, 2023, 20:15 pm

𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐟.𝐰 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now