𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞.

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WHAT IS TAKING him so long?

My foot keeps going up and down as I wait for my boyfriend to pick me up.

He promised we would hang out after his shift at "Spinners", a burger place.

My dress flows around me from the hot July air as I wait outside my house which looks like it is located in the middle of the dessert.

A place like summervile surely looks like it's located to the freaking dessert.

He is already half an hour late.

If he's running late because he got caught up at work, okay I understand, but any other reason will not stop me from being mad at him when he arrives, if he ever arrives.

I turn to leave and go back inside my houses porch but I hear a car coming my way so I turn back around and see that Trevor is finally here.

I cross my arms and watch him with a 'oh look who finally decided to pick up his girlfriend, after having made her wait for half an hour under the hot summer sun' as he gets out of the car and comes running toward me.

"Hello to my - beautiful, gorgeous, hot, talented, smart and funny and all the good things in the world- girlfriend" he says smiling after coming to a stop in front of me.

"You can say whatever you want but nothings gonna save you from the position you are right now" i glare up at him.

God he's so tall compared to me, how can i be mad at him after having to break my neck so i can look at his face.

Not being mad at him anymore just by looking at him once, says a lot.

But i'm just gonna pretend i am. Makes things more fun, think to myself and try not to smirk.

I put on an angry face and start my way to the ectomobile. That's his car, although it's not exactly a car, but i don't know how to name it cause i don't know what it is, so i say it's a car.

Trevor says he found it abandoned at his house, and fixed it only for me so that he can take me on car rides, and for us to have some alone time, if you know what i mean.

He follows me running and almost falling and as i open the door to get inside he closes it.

I turn around and i'm trapped between the car door and him.

I look up at him and purse my life and give him a look. "Please baby i'm sorry, it'll never happen again" he says.

I sigh and turn around and try to get his arm off the door but he won't budge.

I turn back around "Trevor, that's what you said the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Look i get it, you were hung up at work, but i can't keep waiting here outside alone where there could be freaks watching me and trying to hurt me and don't even let me get started on the heat!" i point a finger at the him.

"Okay i'm sorry it will never happen again, i promise" he says with his soft sweet voice.

How can i be mad at him when his voice sounds like that and he's looking at me with that cute look on his face.

"Now can we go back to how we were and go somewhere?" he says letting go of the door and putting his hands on my waist.

I suddenly get an idea, this is gonna be fun.

"Hmmm" i turn my head and pretend i'm thinking about it "i don't know, i feel like you're gonna have to try harder to make me forgive you" then i look up at him with a smug face.

His face falls again, God he has no idea what i'm referring to. He's so innocent.

Just my type.

Then he looks back down and by the look on my face he gets the point and his face immediately lightens up. Yeah he gets it now.

"Oh yeah?, like what?" his hands go lower. "Mmm, i don't know, you're gonna have to figure it out yourself" then i turn around open the door and get inside the Ectomobile.

He scurries around the car, almost falling from the dirt on the ground - which is more like sand if you ask me - opens the door in a rush, starts the car and we're practically flying out of there.

WC: 774words
PUBLISHED: June 8th, 2024, 13:36pm

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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