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I WOKE UP TO the sound of my alarm. I turn it off and look at the screen.

First thought of the day, immediately reminded of what day it is today.

It's me and finn's anniversary.

We have been dating for 5 years. The best 5 years of my life.

I can't help but smile to the thought of it. I turn around and see him by my side. I go closer to him and rest on my elbow.

I kiss him on his cheek and run my fingers through his freckles.

He slowly starts to wake up, blinks a few times and then opens his eyes.

Hey, morning, what time is it?" he turns to his side of the bed to look at the time on his phone. "It's 10 o'clock" i answer and wait for him to realize that today is our anniversary.

He turns back around to me and gently looks at me with a small smile. He tucks a strand of my hair back "Happy anniversary baby" then comes up to me and kisses me.

I smile on the kiss "Happy anniversary" then hug him.

We lay on our bed for 20 minutes more and talk about us. "Can you believe it's been 5 years since the day we started dating?" Finn says. "No, it feels like yesterday to be honest" i say laying on his side while he had his arm back around my neck.

We got up and did our morning routine and then ate breakfast.

We decided that this day we should spend it only with the two of us so we watched a lot of movies and cooked.

By the time night came we started getting ready to go on a date to celebrate.

I was at looking myself in the mirror when Finn came and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

He looked at me with his head rested on my shoulder "you look so beautiful" i looked at him from the mirror "thank you my love".

"you ready to go?" he mumbled still by my side and gave my neck a kiss, "yeah, just let me put my shoes real quick" I put them on and he took my hand in his and we left the house.

The drive to the restaurant took about 15 minutes. It is really fancy in here.

I went to sit on my seat but a writer came my way the same time Finn came and pushed my chair for me Finn wanted to do it but the waiter beat him to it.

Finn awkwardly went to sit on his chair "ok- okay i- was, gonna do that, instead" he said and sat down, i laughed at him.

We looked at the menu, the waiter came and took our orders. After that we started a conversation about our relationship.

"These 5 years with you have been the best years of my life. I'm so grateful to have you with me everyday, you give me strength and patience. You help me with every problem i have" he then looks at me for a second and then takes my hand in his from across the table and kisses it.

"I love you so much" he says " I know, i love you too"

We continue talking more about us and then we leave and we have an even more romantic night.

WC: 578words
WRITTEN: June 13th 2024 1:12am
PUBLISHED: June 13th, 2024, 1:21am

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