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Aster woke up to a pounding in his head. He rolled over and pressed his palm to his forehead. He'd been drinking the night before. He sat up with his matted hair and heard something strike his window. 

Sounded like a rock of some sort. Aster got up from his bed and glanced outside.

It was a couple of little kids, in Halloween masks and scurried off when Aster came to look. Aether grunted a little. 

Yeah Halloween close, and that's when kid pranksters come out. 

Aster walked away from his window and started walking down his steps. He tussled his hair a little bit. He walked to his living to see his TV on. 

'' This just in that there was a brutal murder last night, around 8pm to young woman by the name of Reimu Endou, she was last seen alive last night before the young girls, Reimu's roommates, left the house,'' The news reporter informed everyone watching. 

 Aster looked at the TV screen making his toast. 

'' Senpai?'' Aster uttered in fear. 

'' The girls has tried to be spoke to by another reporter but they do not want to be talk to, and this is all that the news reporter was able to get out of them, here it is,'' The news reporter told the viewers. 

Aster scoffed and ran his finger through his hair. His senpai's couldn't get a break nevertheless have an ounce of privacy. 

'' Hello, Miss's,'' A calm and demanding voice came through. Aster looked up and saw it was the bitch of Aster's entire life.

Uki Violeta a news reporter, that made an entire book on killers not even knowing what the hell happened. 

If you couldn't tell Aster didn't like him to much. 

'' As we told you other reporters friends we don't want to be on television, we want to be left alone and we want to help the VSF of finding out who the hell took are friends life. Okay, kaya pakiusap, lumayas ka, ikaw ay maldita na reporter ng balita!'' Millie cursed out Uki. Aster chuckled a little. 

( Tran TAG to EN: so please, fuck off, you goddamn news reporter!)

'' Ma'am, please we just want a few words from you both,'' Uki tried to reason with them both. Enna stood up from her seat took off her shoe and threw it at the cameraman. 

The cameraman yelped and he dropped the camera. 

''米莉,已经告诉你的屁股了! 他妈的走开!'' Enna yelled at Uki, but no one could see because the camera was on the floor. 

( Tran MAND to EN: Millie, already told your ass! GO THE FUCK AWAY!)

Aster chuckled taking a bite of his toast. The newscaster came back and chuckled dryly. 

'' Well you could really tell, they're not to happy with being on tape. This is your local news and we'll see you after the break,'' The newscaster looked toward the camera. 

Aster walked to his living room, and turned off the TV. 

He heard a knock from his front door. Aster looked toward the door, and walked over to the door. Aster was hesitate to open but he opened it to see Kyo. 

'' Did you see the news?'' Kyo wasted no time from asking, then he came into Aster's house. 

'' Yeah, I mean holy fuck why would anyone do that?'' Aster shook his head. 

'' Yeah, and Millie and Enna fucking told that bitch off! That shit was crazy, like fuck!'' Kyo cheered laughing. '' Serves that asshole right, after that shit he pulled on you!'' Kyo remembered, while he sat at the island in the kitchen. 

Aster nodded in agreement. Kyo pushed his hair back, and took the other piece of toast. Aster sighed and pulled out some waters from his fridge. 

'' In all seriousness, Reimu's funeral is Saturday,'' Kyo announced to Aster. Aster raised his head and gave Kyo a water bottle. 

'' The day before Halloween?'' Aster asked. It was only Monday so Aster had time to prepare himself. Kyo nodded taking a sip from his water.

'' Yup, Reimu said: if she ever died make sure it's the day before spooky season that's what she asked for, Enna texted me about it,'' Kyo admitted to Aster. 

Aster pushed back his hair. Even beyond the grave Reimu still had a way to try to be comedic. 

'' Do they have any lead?'' Aster asked Kyo. Kyo shook his head. 

'' No lead, all they know it was with a knife and a box cutter,'' Kyo explained to Aster. A knife and a goddamn box cutter, what the hell?

'' Why a box cutter?'' Aster questioned Kyo. Kyo shrugged. 

'' Don't know maybe the killer wanted her to suffer more, I don't know,'' Kyo rubbed his temple a little it looked like he was trying to remember something. '' Oh, and also, school was canceled because people are thinking that the killer might be one of the kids or teachers,'' Kyo remembered.

Aster sighed in relief it was almost time for mid-terms, guess that would be pushed back. 

'' That's why the kids weren't in school,'' Aster whispered to himself. Kyo nodded and checked his watch. 

'' I heard Vox and Fulgur are still having the Halloween party, thankfully we don't a curfew like Scream,'' Kyo taunted wiggling his fingers. Aster scoffed and pushed him away. 

Kyo laughed a little. 

'' This isn't like Scream, it's just probably a prank that got way out of hand,'' Aster thought. Kyo raised his eyebrow. 

'' Do you really think it was a prank? What if it was a planned murder, just like Scream? And what kind of sick fucker says 'hey, go stalk a random girl and kill her'?'' Kyo asked, flicking Aster's forehead.

Aster rubbed his forehead a little. Kyo was right, what kind of psycho would do that?

'' The crazy thing about this whole thing is that it kind of came out of nowhere just how your mother was murdered,'' Kyo reminded Aster.

Aster sighed a little. Kyo breathed harshly a little, and felt kind of bad. 

'' Don't remind me,'' Aster uttered running his hand through his hair. 

But Kyo was right.

This is just how it happened out of nowhere, and kind of the same way brutally murdered. Maybe, it wasn't going to be the same as last time, maybe this time the case won't go cold. 

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