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Ren turned off the car.

Everyone started to get out of the vehicle. Ren parked in front of the VSF station. Enna and Millie were changed. 

Enna was changed out of the white sweater, she was now in a light purple sweater vest, with blue jeans. Millie was wearing a black skirt with an orange and white collared shirt. 

Aster slid his phone into his back pocket, and followed after Ren. Kyo walked beside Aster and he was about to say something. 

Aster placed his palm over Kyo's mouth. Kyo shout was muffled. 

'' I don't want to hear it,'' Aster muttered bluntly. 

Aster...Aster..Please help me...Aster.... 

Aster gasped and looked around. It sounded like Reimu, but that was impossible. She's dead, being prepared to be buried or to be cremated.

There was no way that Reimu was alive.


Enna's voice brought Aster back from the whispers. Aster forward and saw Ren looking directly at him. Aster laughed a little and cleared his throat.

'' Sorry, I just got lost in thought,'' Aster admitted. Kyo had a slight frown on his face but he still followed Aster inside.

It was busy inside the VSF station everyone was moving around, talking, and shuffling through papers. 

'' Anything near the woods of the house?'' A certain voice pierced through the chaos. Sonny Brisko's voice. 

He was stalking around looking at papers, photo's, and other extensive stuff. He looked like he hasn't sat down and rested in hours. 

'' There was something sire, burned remains of something. But nothing else,'' One woman VSF member informed Sonny. Sonny jerked his head towards her. 

'' Any evidence even ten miles away from the house, is evidence. Run those remains are run through DNA or some other tests to see if any of Reimu's blood comes up,'' Sonny ordered a couple of his officers. 

Them all saluted him and chimed together.


They all started out of the station. Enna walked toward Sonny as he walked to his office. Aster and the others followed her. 

Enna walked with her head high, and her walk wasn't slumped over like Aster's was when he came to this station right after he found some evidence, behind his mother's disappearance.

 Aster swallowed a little.

She was so different, so much pride and hope to find out who hurt her best friend.

Sonny closed the door behind himself but Enna opened the door immediately. Sonny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

'' I wish to not be disturbed,'' Sonny uttered with slight annoyance. 

'' We have more evidence than any of your squads can scrap up,'' Kyo announced while crossing his arms. Sonny looked over his shoulder, and saw Enna holding out her phone. 

'' You might want to see this,'' Enna told Sonny.

Sonny stopped the recording at the moment when the murderer went close to the camera. A ghostface mask, black pants, shirt, and gloves. 

'' This murderer was smart, to keep his face hidden, but not smart enough to keep the plate on the car hidden,'' Sonny remarked, making a note on a piece of paper.

Kyo was looking around Sonny's office touching things, and picking some things up. Enna was holding the phone, and cleared her throat. 

'' Do you have any other camera's around your property?'' Sonny asked Enna and Millie. Millie shook her head. 

'' The only cameras we have is in the garage, at the front of the door, and the back door,'' Millie explained to Sonny. Enna gasped yanked her phone away. 

Everyone looked her way and Enna pulled up a video. 

'' I didn't think to check the back door!'' Enna rushed as she pressed on the video. Ren, Aster, and Kyo trotted over to her and they all started watching. 

Enna turned up the noise.

They all watched the video and listened closely. Then, a loud crash followed by a scream came from inside the house. They all jumped except Sonny watching closely. Then they all saw Reimu run out of the house holding onto the house phone. 

'' The house phone,'' Millie uttered underneath her breath. 

They all heard Reimu gasping, trembling, and crying. The sound of Reimu crying tugged at everyone's heart strings, because they know what would probably happen next. 

Then, Reimu turned her head to the sound of a car pulling up. 

'' That's us,'' Millie tapped the phone. Sonny nodded and waited. The murderer busted out of the back door, Reimu screamed started running toward the side of the house. The murderer ran after her, caught her and covered her mouth.

Just like the opening scene in Scream. 

The murderer stabbed her in the side repeatedly. Enna whimpered and covered her mouth. Millie was stunned. Kyo was holding back a hard gasp. Ren breath became thin and quiet. 

Aster was covering his mouth. 

They all saw Reimu fall down to her knees, and she fell to the floor. She tried to crawl, and they heard her say names. 

'' Enna....Millie....help....me....'' Reimu broken voice came through. 

Enna started to cry and so did Millie. Reimu was then grabbed by her legs by the murderer, and started to drag her. They all saw Reimu's face, lifeless, gray, and covered in her own blood. 

The recording stopped there. 

Enna sobbed into her hands, her hands trembled while she held the phone. Sonny took a deep breath and took the phone away from Enna. 

'' My officers will take a look of this evidence, please sit down,'' Sonny ordered Enna. Kyo and Ren helped Enna to sit down, and Aster helped Millie sit as well. 

Enna sniffed and tried to wipe away her tears. 

'' She called for us,'' Millie uttered, her eyes wide and she seemed out of it. Enna nodded more tears streaming down her face. Aster caressed Millie's back, and gave her a look of empathy. 

'' If we would've brought her along, this would have never happened,'' Enna murmured with guilt in her throat. 

Aster's phone vibrated in back pocket, he pulled it out and pressed the green button. 

'' hello?'' Aster asked. 

'' Hello, Aster,'' A male voice came through the other line. Aster raised his eyebrow and Ren saw it. 

'' Who is this?'' Aster asked the person on the other line. Everyone raised their heads, especially Kyo. 

'' Come on, don't you know and old friends voice?'' The voice asked Aster. Aster scoffed a little. 

'' Listen if you're just calling me, because you've seen the News. Your very scary, you asshole! Don't try to make jokes like this, fuck off,'' Aster spat at the person on the other line. 

Aster hung up the phone. 

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