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Aster was outside the office trying to scroll through his phone to see if anyone had called him, or maybe any updates on the news.

The at random Aster got a phone call from Maria, one of his closest friends.

Aster picked up the phone.

'' Hello?'' Aster started.

'' Hey, Aster, is it okay, if I go into your house for tonight. Scarle and Aia are out for the weekend and I'm super scared, about what happened to Reimu. So, could I stay over?'' Maria genuinely asked.  

Aster chuckled slightly.

''Sure, plus me, Ren, and Kyo will be hanging out and playing games, also we might order pizza. So yeah, you can come over,'' Aster informed Maria. Maria sighed in relief, and Aster could tell it was. Maria lived alone, so really, she didn't have anyone to help her just encase she does get hurt. 

'' Thank you, Aster, I'll see you in two hours,'' Maria informed Aster. Aster murmured an 'okay' and Maria hung up the phone. Aster brought his phone away from his ear, and sighed. Then, something caught his eye. 

He saw someone who looked like Reimu. When he raised his eyes, the person turned the corner. Aster was about to follow that person, but then he accidentally ran into someone. Aster apologized instantly and a British accent calmed his nerves.

'' Your quite alright,'' The voice said, Aster looked up and saw one of his upperclassmen Vox. 

'' Vox, hey, how are you doing?'' Aster asked. Vox sighed and sorted of shrugged.

'' Fine, I'm just in shock. This entire crime was out of the fucking blue, and it really doesn't sit right with me for some odd reason,'' Vox admitted to Aster. Aster nodded he also felt the same way this hate crime was totally out of someone's ass or something. 

'' I just don't know why someone would kill Reimu for any reason. There's been a couple of whispers around town, saying that they are some suspicious figures around that might've committed the crime. Though, I doubt it,'' Vox admitted. Aster had a queer look gazing at Vox. 

Vox pulled out from his pocket a pack of cigarettes. Aster scoffed a little, as Vox placed a cigarette in his mouth. Vox had a lifted eye look. 

''What?'' Vox asked, slipping out his lighter from his pocket. 

'' You told me and the others you only smoke when you're stressed, nervous, or about to have a mental break down. Which one is it?'' Aster giggled, Vox scoffed and lit the cigarette. Vox took in a deep breath of the haze, held it in his mouth, and blew it out of his nose. 

Aster had his arms crossed and took a deep sigh. 

'' I have another reason why I smoke,'' Vox uttered, Aster turned his head to Vox. Vox took another deep breath of the haze, and uttered:

'' I also smoke for grieve. When I'm grieving, I smoke. When I cry about the people, I've lost the things broken along the way, I smoke. I go through two to three packs if the grieve is deep. And Reimu was one of my best friends, so you might say I haven't stopped smoking ever since I got the news,''.

Vox took a breath. Aster knew how that felt. Feeling like grief will never end and picking up bad habits that could kill you in the way. But the grief feels overwhelming that it sort of drowns out the thoughts of knowledge. 

Vox held out the box of cigarettes towards Aster. Aster took in a deep breath and took out one and placed it in between his lips. Vox fwips open his lighter and lit Aster's cigarette. Aster breathed in the haze and blew it out of his mouth. 

'' So, who are these people that other people suspect is our killer?'' Aster asked Vox. Vox sighed and thought for a moment.

'' Most people are leaning toward that pain in the ass news reporter, but I don't think it's likely he's too charismatic to be hiding behind a basic Ghostface mask. Other people think it's that boytoy of yours Ren,'' Vox blew out some smoke. Aster choked on some smoke and was coughing for a moment. 

Vox had a slight grin on his face. Aster cleared his throat and spoke. 

''First of all, the news reporter no matter how fucking charismatic he is that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a side to him he doesn't show the public. Second, Ren is not my boytoy we're just friends that are trying to get over our feelings from high school that's it, nothing more nothing less,'' Aster explained to Vox, that made Vox roll his eyes and turn his head to the side. '' Also, it wouldn't be Ren, Ren wouldn't do something like that. Reimu was his friend to, he wouldn't do that to her,'' Aster breathed in some smoke, and blew it out of his nose.

Vox nodded and tilted his head back. Aster looked up and saw a clear knife cut along the side of Vox's neck. 

''Vox, where did you get that mark from?'' Aster asked Vox. Vox touched the side of his neck where Aster saw it and just shrugged and murmured:

''Fencing Practice,''

Aster's nerves sort of calmed down.

'' No smoking in the office, do you not read the sign,'' A voice came off to the side, with also a pair of heels. Vox's face twisted into a smile and gleamed over his shoulder. Aster glanced and saw head of the online newspaper, and newspaper: Ike Eveland. 

Ike glared at Aster and took the cigarette away from him, then continued to hold it in front of Vox. 

'' Really, Vox, what did I tell you about smoking. You can die from it, and I get it's a coping mechanism but that does not mean throw your life away,'' Ike somehow scolded Vox. Vox groaned and looked like he's gottin' this earful before. It was sort of mesmerizing to see Vox being talked down/being put in place. 

'' Alright I'm sorry, but do you have a better way to cope, Ikey?'' Vox asked, Ike flicked the cigarette at Vox's forehead. It bumped off his forehead and fell to the floor. 

'' Yes, I actually do and it's what I'm doing. And it's ten times healthier than whatever the hell you both are doing,'' Ike remarked. Vox smiled and pulled him into a hug. 

'' Aw, you care,'' Vox teased, Aster giggled into his hand. Ike groaned pushed him away and stalked off. Ren came out of Captain's Brisko office. 

'' Hey, Aster, I'm going to have to get going I have to do something at home really quick. I'll meet you at your house, 'kay?'' Ren asked Aster, twirling his keys on one finger. Aster nodded and said:

'' Yeah, you're good just be careful, okay?'' Ren nodded and waved goodbye. Vox gave Aster a deadpanned look while he waved bye to Ren. Aster looked back at Vox and tilted his head a little. 

'' What?'' Aster started. 

'' 'Getting over him' my ass. You might as be head over heels for him, don't even try to deny it,'' Vox patted Aster shoulders. Aster was sort of confused but decided to let it go at the moment. 

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