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Aster and Kyo were chilling in the living room. Kyo was beating a level on a game and Aster was just giving him pointers. Then out of nowhere Aster's home phone started ringing. Aster groaned and jumped off his couch. Kyo cursed as he died in the game. Aster walked into his kitchen and picked up the phone. 

"Hello?" Aster answered the phone. Screams sounded over the phone. Aster pulled the phone away and stared at the phone. Then a voice came from the phone. 

"Hello, hello, Aster are you there?" Rens voice came through the phone. Aster brought the phone back to his ear.


"Hey,hey, Aster! I wasn't able to call your phone, because well my work asked me to come in a do a small shift," 

"Oh okay, just one thing after you're done could you pick up Maria?"

"Sure, that's no problem," 

"Okay, see you soon,"

"See you, love you," Ren hung up. Aster blinked in surprise and pulled the phone away from his ear.

"Who was that?" Kyo asked from the living room. Aster shook his head and swallowed. Probably Ren forgot or maybe it was automatic. Aster sat the house phone down. 

"It was Ren, he said he has to do a shift and he says he'll pick Maria," Aster explained to Kyo. Kyo peered over his shoulder as Aster walked back into the room. Aster swung his legs onto the couch. Kyo kept clicking the controller, as Aster stared at the screen. "Do you believe that Ren might be a suspect or have done it?" Aster asked out of the blue.

"50/50. Why?" Kyo questioned Aster. Aster touched his chin.

"Just a simple question," Aster answered.

Maria shuffled through her car console searching for her charger. From far away it seemed like she was robbing something. She finally got her hands on her charger, and closed it. She scrambled out of her car and closed her car door. 

She turned around and saw from a distance a hooded person going on a jog. She sighed and went back inside her apartment. She closed her door. Her cat mewed at her, and exposed its tummy. She rubbed it and her cat purred.

Her phone buzzed in her back pocket. She took her phone out and did not check the number. 

¨Hi, this is Maria Marionette ,¨Maria told the person over the phone. It was silent for a moment then a voice came through. 

¨ I know, who you are, Maria,¨ A dark, scratchy voice came through. Maria blinked slightly, and her aura changed completely. 

¨ Who the hell is this?¨ Her voice deepened slightly. The dark voice across the phone laughed dryly.

"Is that anyway to great someone so close to you?" The voice asked from the other side of the phone. Maria laughed dully, and sniffed slightly.

"Whoever you are it's not funny and no one is laughing at this stupid joke. Someone died the other day did you not see, do you not care?"


A direct answer after Maria asked the question. She was surprised and her stomach dropped down to her heels. Silence clouded the phone, only Maria's breathing that kept breaking the silence.

Then a small hint of laughter happened from the other side of the phone. Then the small hint turned into a roar of laughter causing Maria to squeak slightly.  The person from the other side of the phone kept laughing until Maria spoke again.

"Why are you laughing?" Her voice quivered. The person laughed and cleared their throat. 

"Because you're going to join Reimu very soon," The person growled. Then the doorbell rang. Maria yelped and held the phone to her chest, she was quivering.

Another ring from the door caused Maria to run to her kitchen. She threw her phone on the counter and scrambled through her drawers looking for a weapon. 

Her cat mewed in confusion, but she was breathing too hard to notice. She yanked open one drawer and everything fell out. She cursed so she got on her knees and scrambled through the different tools. 

She was able to get her hands onto a knife, so she stood up. But she froze into her place because a tall person with a ghost face mask with an ax in their hand. She froze but everything in her body was telling her to run. 

"What's wrong, little sheep. Scared?" The person asked Maria. And that made Maria book it. She ran across the island and tried to run past them. The stranger nicked her cheek, she yelled out but kept running. But the stranger jumped for her. 

They reached out their hand and grabbed onto her. She yelled and fell down. The stranger tried to get on top of her but she jabbed her heel in their crotch. They yelled and held their crotch. Maria slashed the person's face and jabbed it into their shoulder. 

They screamed as Maria slipped away. She ran for her front door but she tripped over something. She yelped as she fell and looked up. She saw another masked face male. Then what happened next was something she never expected. 

The other masked man started stomping on Maria's back. She screamed out and tried to get away, but she just couldn't. She clawed at the ground as she kept being beat. The other person came up beside her and began to choke her to death.

She moaned out and slapped, scratched, and clawed for the mask on the person. The mask stared back at her showing no heart and showing no remorse. She yelled out and begged not to be killed. The other masked person continued to kick her. Maria's cat ran out of the front door wedging it enough so that anyone passing would see the terrible act.

Maria cried and begged for her life, but the other masked person placed a fatal blow to her head. She yelled out and cried even more but the masked person did another fatal blow to her jaw. Her jaw became unhooked and blood split.

Then the masked person started stomping on her face.

Mari's body went completely limp. The two people stood above Maria's body admiring their work. One grabbed her legs, the other grabbed her arms and began to drag her somewhere.

Another one has been claimed.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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