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A/N: Who's here?

Trigger warning for forced sexual advancement, reactions to 'Omegaverse' world heat themes, mature discussions and scenes regarding sexual themes, and violence.



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"She'll never catch me!"

"I don't think she's trying."

"Tell her to chase me! Britt, tell her to chase me!"

"I thought she was the pup?"

"Shut up, Q, and command my Omega to chase me!"

Secretly, Santana thought the decision to remain on their land across the waters while Gingerbread recovered from her heat was one of Quinn's best ideas, but she'd never tell her that.

This gave Gingerbread a chance to nest and explore her natural instincts outside their smaller home. She hadn't warmed up to Santana's mother yet, but she hoped in time things would change. They were Omegas, and Gingerbread's fear of aggression would eventually settle when she no longer feared the world around her.

"Don't go out of sight, Santana!"

Turning in a small circle when Quinn called from behind, Santana whisked her large dark tail in the air with a playful smirk across her wolf lips. She chuffed toward her mate to urge Quinn to walk faster with Brittany, waiting for Gingerbread to run after her.

The four had decided to walk through the woods to encourage Gingerbread to use her natural instincts and relax like a normal wolf. She had been attached to her mates' heels since she dropped into her heat. They had taken turns explaining and teaching Gingerbread how to please them through normal relationship things without being sexual, as she had been taught for over ten years. It was taking some time, but the three needed the open air before one of them snapped and tried to mate with the Omega from smelling only Gingerbread's intense arousal-inducing aromas.

Santana laid in the leaves and watched Gingerbread prance away from rubbing Brittany's leg. Her tail wagged as her mate stumbled toward her with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. She jumped forward when Gingerbread was close enough, rolling them both to the ground.

Quinn chuckled when Santana tried to get Gingerbread to play with her again. She had no clue how to play with the other Omegas at home, so she was not surprised when the wolf shrieked in fright the other day when Santana tried to play with her. At least now Gingerbread was trying to fight back.

Gingerbread snapped at Santana's paws and ducked under her legs, not allowing the wolf to fully stand up. She tripped up the black wolf, bolting back toward Brittany when the blonde knelt down with her giraffe.

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