Chapter Two, Open Heart Surgery and Torture

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Chapter Two, Open Heart Surgery and Torture

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Chapter Two, Open Heart Surgery and Torture

Pain. Unimaginable pain was all Toni knew next as she came to a sort of awareness screaming, pinned down by strange men while she was being cut into. If she didn't want to desperately try to get back home to her babies then she would give into the pain and follow the light. But as it was she was desperate. Desperate and alone and confused, and in severe unimaginable pain; which is why she fought against those holding her as she screamed her throat raw. Only for more men to pin her down to the old workbench before someone knocked her out with a chloroform rag.

Toni next came to a sort of awareness three times. The first time, she vaguely realised she was tied to a chair, bandages covered her chest already bloody from the open heart surgery, blood trickled down her temple and legs from the explosion. Her suit jacket was missing along with her top and heels in only her ripped trousers and bandages that thankfully covered her chest protecting her modesty. She was sitting in a cavern full of men pointing guns at her head as she was being recorded. The leader was speaking in Urdu so she only knew a little (thanks to a friend from M.I.T) and was able to pick up her name, treachery and Obadiah Stane.

If she wasn't so out of it from the pain she no doubt would've been able to pick up more and would no doubt be burning alive in anger; but for now she just wanted to survive. Survive to find out what happened to Rhodey. If he - no she couldn't, wouldn't think that as his death would literally break her. Once the recording stopped she soon succumbed to the comforting darkness away from the debilitating pain. Away from these men and whatever situation Stane landed her in.

The second time she woke up was due to the pain, but she was almost delirious with a fever and soon succumbed once more. The third and final time she awoke was slow and groggy as she realised a long tube was up her nose and freaked out, quickly pulling it out coughing as she did so. Through her watery eyes she noticed a cup of water beside her and went to pick it up to soothe the burning in her throat, however, her hands were shaking too much to hold it causing two things to happen.

First the cup fell to the floor with a loud clatter that reverberated all around them, and the second a pulling occurred painfully on her chest as she went to grab the cup. Startled and alarmed upon noticing an old car battery sat beside her with wires leading towards her. Toni followed them, pulling the bandages aside and found an electromagnetic plate inserted into her chest. Fear was all that consumed her, hand reaching towards the wires when a voice stopped her from ripping them out.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A man in his fifties reproached, looking at her in the mirror as he continued shaving.

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