Chapter Three, An Unexptected Surprise

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Chapter Three, An Unexpected Surprise

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Chapter Three, An Unexpected Surprise

After Toni had, finally given in, and said yes to the terrorists who had kidnapped her and were torturing her, she was led (dragged, after being beaten), to a different part of their mountainous hideout where Yinsen was waiting for her with a worried expression especially as both she and the reactor were soaking yet. He barely caught her when she was pushed roughly towards him as they whipped the bag off her head; the sun nearly blinded her.
"Where are we?" Toni whispered to her friend and saviour.
"It's not good." Yinsen replied grimly, slowly leading further outside to a horrifying sight; they had enough of the weapons she had laboured over tirelessly to start a war.

A man, on the shorter and chubbier side, who said his name was Bakaar, and who was at least the second in command, as he had a self important air about him, asked Yinsen to translate for him.
"He wants to know what you think." Yinsen informed Toni grimly.
"I think they have a lot of unauthorised weapons from my company." Toni muttered sarcastically. Yinsen wisely left out 'unauthorised' as he translated back.

"He says they have everything you need to build the Jericho missile." Yinsen translated. "He wants you to make a list of materials. He says.. err.. for you to start working immediately, and when you're done, he will set you free."
"No we won't." Toni whispered under breath so only Yinsen heard as she shook the man's hand holding back a shiver at the suggestive looks he and his men were giving her.
"No we won't." Yinsen agreed.

Bakaar beamed at them both. He was too arrogant and ignorant to know that he'd just doomed his entire camp to death. You never gave Toni Stark access to technology; especially not access to weapons. Bakaar glanced with a smug smile into the distance where a man (his leader perhaps) was watching them from the top of a rock, not noticing that Toni had followed his eye-line.
'They're all going to regret this.' Toni vowed to herself.

* * *

Later on, both Yinsen and Toni (who had just undergone another round of torture 'for good measure') were back in their cell, Toni staring melancholy into the fire.
"I'm sure they're looking for you, Toni." Yinsen tried to reassure her but he also had to warn her so she didn't get her hopes up too high (he didn't want to see that broken and defeated look in her eye to build any further). "But they may never find you in these mountains." When she didn't answer Yinsen crouched in front of Toni. "Look, what you just saw, that is your legacy, your father's legacy, Toni. Your life's work in the hands of those murderers. Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance of the great Dr Toni Stark? Or are you going to do something about it?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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