In the Dark

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, I must thank my friend and human muse LadySif_8  for putting up with my questions, and Talia-Rumlow  for the same. You guys ROCK!

WARNINGS: None that I can think of except perhaps a reference to past traumatic events.

Chapter 8 is currently in the works, but not sure on when it'll be ready. Thank you all for the patience and support.

Hope y'all enjoy. Happy reading!🙂


Their search throughout the facility was hindered by the fact of not one single spark of electricity ran to anything, so to their trusty flashlights they turned. What they found was not what they expected.

When they first stepped through the debris of the former doors, it quickly became apparent that no one had been inside this base for a very long time. The air was heavy and stale, dust lay everywhere to form a thick coat on nearly every available surface. There were piles of debris strewn everywhere, scattered across tables and under desks. It was as if a storm had broken loose in there with papers, boxes, equipment, and who knew what else scattered around.

When they had come to supposedly abandoned places before, which generally were old Hydra bases, they had been mostly cleaned out and all vitally important materials taken away. Not this one however, it was as if the Tasmanian Devil himself had come for a visit; the mess got worse the further in they advanced.

"What the hell happened in here?", was the thought running through Brock's head. He certainly hadn't left this place in that condition.

Entering one strangely empty room, save for a small table and a couple chairs, Jesse informed them it had once been an interrogation room. The silence after she spoke was so deafening, several quick intakes of breath could be easily heard.

Steve was smart enough not to ask questions about the validity of her statement. Instead, he pulled out a sheet of paper along with a stubby little pencil, and asked if she could make any kind of map of the facility.

Nodding, she took the piece of paper and pencil over to the table, and in a few short minutes she had a workable map of the base's interior.

Handing it over to Steve, she explained to him, "Distances and such may not be exactly proportionate, but turns and any other directionals are 100 percent accurate."

She paused to stare rather intently at one particular spot on the map before saying, "Now if you'll excuse me Captain, there's somewhere I need to go."

She didn't even wait for a word before turning and heading out the door.

Steve glanced at where she'd been looking, eyes widening once he realized what it was. He swiftly motioned for Bucky and Rumlow both to go follow her.


Brock knew exactly where he was going, he just had to pretend to be looking for tracks or checking directions incase Barnes came up behind him. They had left out to follow Jess together, but along the way Barnes had found what looked like a stash of records inside a room. He'd told Brock to go on ahead and find Jess while he stayed to investigate. Barnes may have said that he was staying behind, but Brock wasn't taking any chances.

The smell of the old stone hit him like a blow to the face, he remembered it being so much fresher down here. He knew this was the way she was headed, but how would he find her once there? What state of mind would she be in? Many other questions rolled through Brock's head as he made his way down the corridor.

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