02: Past, Present, and Fusion

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Liv was still reeling from the revelation that the creature that had been stalking Tyler's dad before he disappeared was Fury. It wasn't clear yet why exactly James Navarro would've suddenly found himself on Fury's radar, but it wasn't like Olivia could ask him about it, considering he'd vanished a decade ago, around the same time that Fury had been hunting him.

The nineteen-year-old didn't know if that meant that Fury was behind the elder Navarro's disappearance or not, but it was definitely something worth looking into, once the three of them returned to Amber Beach. Liv also didn't tell Shelby or Tyler her suspicions about Fury, or even that she knew who he was, because that was another can of worms that the Topaz Ranger had no desire to open, or at least not until she could talk to Chase, Koda, or Keeper about it.

Speaking of Keeper, the alien guardian of the Energems had, once she, Chase, and Koda had all officially met him, had explicitly said that, aside from Fury, there weren't any other monsters on Earth, though Liv's battle against Ice Age with Shelby and Tyler begged to differ. But, Olivia didn't know why Keeper would lie to her; to any of them.

Liv had also dutifully kept her mouth shut about explaining anything except the most basic of details about the Energems and what exactly they were because again, it would make more sense once Liv brought Tyler and Shelby to the museum, and the Rangers' secret base.

"Why would both of these...things," Shelby began, drawing Liv from her thoughts as the younger girl held both the Red and Pink Energems up so they glinted in the early afternoon sunlight. "Be in dinosaur fossils?"

"Maybe the dinosaurs ate them," Tyler posited, which prompted Shelby and Liv to give him skeptical looks. Liv knew that Shelby was just voicing her curiosities, but still, Liv had already said that she'd explain everything once they got back to the museum.

"You're not serious," Shelby deadpanned, but Tyler only glanced at her.

"Totally," he responded, and Liv rolled her eyes as the Red Ranger continued. "You have a better idea, Miss Dino-it-all?"

Shelby scoffed again at Tyler's joke before Liv stuck her head between the two front seats and glanced at the two of them. Honestly, Chase and Kendall called her the impatient one.

"If you two could last another twenty minutes," she began. "You'd find out that no, the dinosaurs did not eat them. And they're not just things," Liv added a moment later. "They're Energems,"

"Right," Shelby retorted a moment later, her voice only the slightest bit snappish. "Because that clears it up,"

Liv knew that Shelby wanted an explanation, and rightfully so, Liv knew that if she was in Shelby's shoes she'd be acting the same way. She had been in Shelby's shoes before when she had found her own Energem.

Movement from up ahead turned Liv's attention away from Shelby, to see a young man crouching down on the shoulder of the road. The stalled motorized scooter beside him made Liv think it likely that he had broken down.

"What was it your dad used to say?" Olivia asked, referencing a conversation she, Tyler, and Shelby had had earlier in between the revelation about Fury and Shelby's questions about Energems and fossils. "Helping is always the right..."

"The right thing to do," Tyler finished, and Liv couldn't help but smile before Tyler turned on the Jeep's blinker and pulled off the main road so the three of them were closer to the stranded scooter-ist.

As the gravel of the road's shoulder crunched beneath Tyler's tires, the young man turned over his shoulder to look at the three newcomers, but Liv noticed that he was pretty engrossed in what was likely the owner's manual for his scooter.

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