03: A Fool's Hour

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Liv ducked as a tennis ball flew so close to her head that she was able to feel it brush against her hair, which she had tied into a messy bun before she'd left her and Kendall's apartment that morning. Currently, the nineteen-year-old was in the Rangers' base with Riley, Chase, and Koda, though the latter was still asleep in the side cave that he had called his home ever since Liv, Chase, and Kendall had unfrozen him from the ice block that the Blue Ranger had been stuck in for the last 100,000 years.

Riley was training with his Dino Saber and a machine that automatically shot out tennis balls--like the one that flew at Liv's head--while Chase was sitting across from the Topaz Ranger at one of the desks in the center of the base, singing to himself as he fixed the wheel axles on his skateboard. Across from him, Liv was working, using her tablet to track the Maiasaura eggs that were due to arrive in Amber Beach that afternoon after initially getting rerouted to Albuquerque. Luckily, Kendall hadn't asked about the delay yet, so it was likely that Olivia didn't have anything to worry about.

But, it seemed as if Chase's singing, which did little to bother Liv after the brunette had been hearing it for almost three years, was periodically distracting Riley from his morning training session if the third tennis ball that flew past Liv's head was any indication. And though Chase's singing was by no means terrible, obviously it was wearing down on Riley's focus the longer the Kiwi did it.

"Riley!" Liv exclaimed, slamming her tablet down onto the desk after yet another tennis ball almost hit her. "If you're not going to manage to hit those balls with your Dino Saber, turn off the ball return! Someone's going to end up getting hurt!"

"Don't blame me!" the Green Ranger retorted as he pushed the button to turn off the tennis ball machine, and gestured wildly with his Dino Saber towards Chase, who was completely oblivious to the other two Rangers' conversation since he had his headphones in and was likely hearing nothing but whatever music he was currently listening to. "Blame your boyfriend's obnoxious singing!"

"Chase is not my boyfriend!" Liv shot back, her face burning just as Shelby slid into the base, her Energem shooting into the crystal beds where Chase's, Koda's, Liv's, and Riley's Energems were already floating. "And his singing is not obnoxious,"

"Good morning guys!" Shelby said as Riley stuck his tongue out at Liv before turning on the ball machine again and readying his Dino Saber again.

"You're late," Liv said, crossing her arms as she rounded the desk to lean against the edge of the worktable beside Chase and turned her gaze towards Shelby. "And what are you wearing?"

"What are you talking about?" Shelby asked, sounding genuinely confused. "I'm just glad I don't have to come to the museum and look like..." the younger girl trailed off as Tyler walked into the base through the sliding doors, dressed in what Shelby should've been wearing, i.e. a Dino Bite Cafe apron and baseball cap. "...that,"

"Isn't it great?" Tyler, oblivious to the previous conversation began as he held his arms out, presenting his outfit to the other Rangers gathered within the base before pointing to his brand-new T-Rex-themed nametag. "I get to be a busboy at the cafe,"

Reaching underneath the desk, Liv grabbed an extra apron and hat before dropping them into Shelby's arms as Kendall walked in, with Liv sending the Pink Ranger a smug grin.

"Please, Chase," Kendall began, picking up the Black Ranger's skateboard and handing it off to him as Shelby glared at Liv. "This is a sterile laboratory, not a garage,"

"Liv doesn't seem to mind," the Kiwi retorted, glancing over at the Topaz Ranger as Kendall entered her workstation, whipping her head around to look at Chase again.

blackened topaz; power rangers dino chargeWhere stories live. Discover now