Chapter 7

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We Meet Again

??? pov


Admiration, such a big word with so much meaning.

And this is the word Techno uses for Tom to describe their relationship. I wouldn't call it admiration, I would call it brotherly love. Though it was hard to see Toms upset, it was harder to see my own son scared out of his mind by a man who I consider a brother. Who my son considers a uncle.


A blood god with so much history that no one knows about. So many wars and many lost friends. I still feel bad for leaving him with Tommy, cause that boy is a menace.

All of the kid are back with their parents now, including my son, who is in his mother's arms, crying.

Then I hear that laugh, Tommy's laugh.

The room goes silent once more, like it had earlier.

His laugh echos through the room. You can see it on Techno's face that he's as confused as the rest of us. Why is Tommy laughing?

He finally stops and wipes a tear from his eye. He speaks.

"That's what happened?! That's why Quackity wants to start a war. Pfh, that's nothing dude. Yeah he has a right to be pissed, yah blinded him in one eye, but really that is just ridiculous."

"This... is not what I expected Tommy.." Techno says. He looks so confused...pfh.

My wife nudges me a little for laughing. I just throw my arm around her shoulders.

"This meeting is adjourned." The head of the council says.

I go to follow my wife and the crowd but for some reason I felt someone staring at me. I turn around and see Technoblade staring at me.

I watch as Tommy turn around and makes eye contact with me.



Tommy's pov


I looked up from laughing and see Techno looking at something other than me.

"Whatcha looking at Techno?" I ask.

I turn around see...


The man just stares for a few minutes as me and Techno stare back. Then he looks dead at me and I just know that is Will, not another impersonator. He has the brown eyes, the brown curly hair with that single white streak in it and he as pale as a ghost but that might be from shock. I didn't even know he was here, I think to myself. Then he looks back a Techno for a second then back at me. I take a step toward him, the another, before I know it i'm running toward him.

But Wilbur takes off, full sprint. Dashing toward the door and out of it before I can even say hello. I immediately go after him without a second thought. Techno is following me close behind. Before I know it there is a whole chase through town with me, Techno, and a few of my guards running after Wilbur.

I have no idea why he is running though. After all these years, you would think he would want to see his little brother. You would think he would love to see me and Techno again but no. He wants to run.

Fine. If he wants to play this way, so will I.

I look back to Techno, "Give me your trident!"

"Why!?" He yells back.

To My Dearest Tommy - DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now