Chapter 3- First Day of School

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As the sun slowly rises from the mountain, my room slowly gets illuminated. I had a great dream last night. It was my dream girl. In the past few days, I kept dreaming about her. I dreamed of us sitting on the meadow talking. I also dreamed of us lying down on the meadow, me wrapping her with my arms, me giving her chaste kisses on her pinkish cheeks and just last night, I dreamed of us sharing our first kiss.

It was great but every time I wake up she would disappear. Sometimes, I wished I'd never wake up if it means being with her for the rest of my life. I know it sounds stupid for falling for someone that could be just a figment of my imagination. However, I never let go of the possibility that this girl exists. If she does exist, does she dream about me as well? Is she falling for me even though, to her, I may not exist? Most importantly, will we ever meet? It will be a little easy if I can clearly see her face in my dream. Is she close by? I hope so... I snap out of my thoughts when someone knocks on my door.

"Edward! Wake up! We're going to be late for school!" Alice screamed.

"Coming!" I replied.

Oh great, I almost forgot. It's my first day at Forks National High School. Alice and I are in our junior year. Our parents enrolled us two days ago. After what Emmett told me about his first day of school experience, it made me want to stay in bed. But what the heck, as if my parents will allow me not to go to school, I will have to go to school anyway. I rise up from the bed. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I finished getting dressed, I went downstairs and went towards the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen, Carlisle is reading the newspaper while drinking coffee. Esme is preparing what I think is our breakfast. Alice is reading some fashion magazine. When I sat on the stool at the counter, Esme served our breakfast. It was a fish omelet. While we were eating, Esme talked to us about the things we should do when we get there.

"So first of all, wait for Emmett. I asked him if he could guide you on your first day. Then go to the school office to get your schedules. I think you should go earlier since a lot of students will get their schedules today." Esme spoke.

"Ok," Alice and I said at the same time.

"Oh, please don't intimidate your schoolmates and be nice" Esme added.

I'm sure she was referring to me since Alice is nice and not intimidating. I replied a "fine" to Esme before I left the counter to get my school bag and car keys. When I got them all set, I went to the front door where Esme and Carlisle wait.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" I said giving both of them a hug.

"Be careful Edward and have fun!" Esme said before I disappeared into the garage to get my Volvo. As if I'm going to have fun with all the people staring. I cannot avoid being intimidating if people would always be snooping around my life.

I started my car engine when Alice entered her Porsche. We started driving through the thick forest until we reached the town, towards our living hell, school.

When we entered the school parking lot, there were many students who started staring at my car and Alice's car. Ok and let the staring commence. I immediately spotted Emmett at a parking space near the woods. His Jeep and some red Ferrari were the only vehicles at that portion of the parking lot. I cued Alice to park her car near Emmett's Jeep.

When we parked our cars and went out, every student in the parking lot has eyes looking at me and Alice. Do they have other things to do than stare?

"Eddie, Alice, you made it. I doubted that you will show up since I told you about my...uhm... experiences."Emmett boomed at me and Alice

"Well, we're here so let's get this over with," I replied.

"Ok, Eddie! Anyway, I think the girls here have the hots for you. They can't just take their lust-filled eyes away. Seriously, they are like eye-raping you." Emmett teased.

"Can we just get our schedules?" Alice frantically said when she noticed some boys staring at her.

We braced walk towards the school building ignoring the stares. When we passed the hallway, we gained more stares. Everybody just stopped what they are doing just to stare at us. Great, just great. When we entered the school office and walked towards the counter, we saw a woman in late twenties looked at us or more like stared at me until I spoke.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, we are the Cullens, relatives of Emmett Cullen. Do you mind if we get our schedules?" I asked

"Oh sure!" she said while getting the tables without taking her eyes off me. Seriously, how does she do that?

"Ok so, Mary Alice Brandon Cullen" she called.

"Me! Thanks!" Alice cheerfully replied while getting her schedule.

"Uhm, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen" she called again. I swore she was trying to say my name in a seductive way which is disgusting.

"Here! Thank you, Miss-" I said

"Missis Lee" she cut in.

"Thank you MISSIS Lee" I continued giving a little emphasis on the Missis. As we are about to leave, Mrs. Lee called out.

"Hey, how about you? Aren't you getting your schedules?" she said referring to Emmett.

"I already got my schedule, Mrs. Lee" Emmett replied a little confused.

"Really, what's your name?" Mrs. Lee asked in disbelief.

"Emmett McCarty Cullen" Emmett answered.

Mrs. Lee looked at a checklist then said "I'm sorry I made a mistake"

"Ok no prob, you looked A LITTLE DISTRACTED Mrs. Lee." Emmett said adding sarcasm to the phrase "a little distracted".

"I guess so. Anyway, let the teachers sign your schedules every time you entered their class and bring it back later when all slots are signed" Mrs. Lee said managing to change the topic.

"We will," Alice said and we immediately left the office.

"Wow, Eddie! First the girls in the parking lot, then those in the hallway then the recently-married school secretary. You got some appeal there bro." Emmett teased.

"First of all, would you please stop calling me by that nickname. I hate it. Then, it is really annoying. It's a good thing I can't read their minds or God knows what's going on their heads." I said.

"Oh Edward, I bet they're just thinking about how will they manage to get you in bed with them," Emmett smirked at that idea while Alice laughed.

"Emmett, can we just stop discussing those unpleasant thoughts and go to our classes," I said a little irritated.

"Fine Ed-boy. Anyway, see you at lunch coz' I'm going to introduce you to Rosalie and her twin brother. See yah" Emmett said while going to his class.

"See you too. I'm going to my class now good luck being alone on your first class bro" Alice said.

"Fine, see you soon" I replied while entering my first class, Spanish.

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