Chapter 2- Emmett's Visit

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It's been a week since we moved here in Forks. Our mansion is finally fully-furnished. We have to hire some people to help us with the house but it was all worth it. Esme did all the planning with a little help from Alice since Alice did all the shopping. So now our very elegant mansion just became more incredible.

I was just lying on my bed in my very big room listening to music from my sound system. My walls liked I planned, have a lot of shelves filled with CDs and books. I also placed some pictures of my family and places we had already been. My king size bed was red and soft. My closet was filled with all the necessary clothes as Alice deems it. I also have a sofa, nightstand, coffee table, study table and some cabinets. Overall, my room has a calm ambiance. I could easily fall asleep in here.

After a while, I remembered that Emmett will come with his family to visit us tomorrow. I really missed him. When we were still in Vancouver, he was the only friend I have. When he moved, I became a loner. I had no else to talk to besides my sister. He is the life of parties. We always hang out and play football, baseball, and basketball. How I wished I had a brother like Emmett but I'm glad I have a cousin like him. When I turned off the music, I was already drifting away to my dreamland.


I was walking in a dark forest. The trees were so high; you can barely see the top. I continued walking until I enter a meadow. It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The grass was green, short and filled with colorful wildflowers. As I finally step out of the forest's shadow, only then I noticed that there was another person in the meadow. She was a brunette with pale skin. She flashed a smile when she saw me. The sunlight was brightly shining on her face that I can barely see her face. I can only see her smile. She runs towards me. I didn't know what to do. Should I run away or towards her? But before I could do anything, I feel like my feet are glued to the ground. Soon, she was in front of me.

She hugged me and whispered, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you". Her voice was like music. She broke the embrace and lean forward to kiss me. Somehow, I didn't want to move away. But before our lips touched, the vision fades until it turned completely dark.


I suddenly woke up. I looked at my clock. It was still five in the morning. I remembered my dream. It was a weird one but I can't help but think that I already met this girl. It feels so real like it really happened. Does she exist? It was too bad I wasn't able to see her face. Just thinking about her made me feel like... I was dead man brought to life. Could I be falling for a girl who could not possibly exist in real life? With this train of thoughts, I soon fell asleep again.


Soon the doorbell rang. My father immediately went to the door to welcome our expected guests. I was in the living room watching on the television. I could hear them greet each other and giving praises to our house. Soon enough, they all entered the living room. Esme and Alice also entered and greeted our family extensions.

"Hi, Roger! Hi Elizabeth! Long time no see! Oh, Emmett, you have grown so big, nice to see you again" my mother almost screamed with joy.

Alice and I gave our "hellos". The adults sat down and chat and we, teenagers, went upstairs to the game room. Alice and I told Emmett what he missed when he left Vancouver. After that, Emmett told us what he has been doing in the past four years.

"Well, when we first came to Forks, people won't stop staring at us for almost two weeks," Emmett said.

"Yeah, I also noticed that when we first came here. Are they usually like that when newcomers came to this town?" I asked.

"Yeah, well I don't blame them since this town is so small and everyone is dying to get out of here. So it's quite unlikely to them to see people moving in a town like this," he explained.

"Wow, I never thought it that way but it seems reasonable," Alice said.

"But still, it's none of their business," I said.

Emmett continued what happened. "When school started, the students where all fussing around me like I was some celebrity. They kept on asking why I moved here. Who are my parents? Do I have a girlfriend? Do I have a brother who is as hot as me? Like what the heck, what kind of people asked those questions!? It was really annoying but it only lasts for two weeks. On my freshmen year in high school, I had some good friends like Nick and Edwin. They helped me join the football team. After that, I soon became popular and have girls drooling over me. At first, it was so cool but then it annoyed the hell out of me. Most girls just don't get a hint. But in my sophomore year, I met the love of my life, Rosalie Lillian Hale. She moved to Forks with her family two years ago. She was the most beautiful and hottest girl in Forks. She used to be the most wanted girl. She became my girlfriend around a month before summer break during that year. I was shocked that she chose me among all the boys who are all dying to be with her but hell she did a great choice"

"She must be blindly in love with you," Alice said with a smirked. Emmett gave a loud laugh. I won't be surprised if the whole town heard it because of its volume.

"And maybe deafly in love as well" I added.

We all laughed then Alice spoke "But I noticed you said "was" and "used to" when you described Rosalie, did she lose those titles?"

"Well she lost the "Most Wanted Girl" title when she became my girlfriend and the "Most Beautiful Girl" title, well she shares it with another girl in school, who I admit is also beautiful. The only difference is this girl is somewhat single but who the hell knows? She doesn't like talking about herself much. I had to admit if I never met Rose I would be also drooling over her like the other boys. Rose is a little envious but she was contented to have me around" Emmett explained.

We continued talking then played some video games until Esme called us downstairs to have dinner. Once we entered the dining area, our stomach grumbled with the delicious scent of fried turkey, roasted ribs, fish steak and chocolate cake.

"Wow Mom looks like you have outdone yourself again," Alice said.

"Oh, Elizabeth also helped out with the fish steak and ribs" Esme humbly explained.

Soon, everyone is in the dining area and starts eating our fill. We talked about a lot of things. It's good to have a little family reunion once in a while. Then to my dismay, Aunt Elizabeth mentioned school.

"School year in Forks National High School will soon start next week. You should enroll Alice and Edward there. It has the best school facilities here in Forks" Aunt Elizabeth suggested.

Ahh! School! I almost forgot about that. After hearing Emmett's story, I wish I didn't have to go there. With a lot of staring and annoying questions, it will be a miracle if I survived my first three hours in there without getting annoyed.

"Ahh, that would be a good idea since Emmett goes to the same school. He can help Alice and Edward adjust. Especially Edward, he has some issues with people" Esme said looking at me at the last part. Of course, mom would say that. She always listens to my whining and complaining about people at school and school itself.

"Well, I'll try to visit that school tomorrow to see for myself, would you like to come too, Esme... and kids?" Carlisle asked

"I would love too," Esme said.

"Well sorry dad, Edward and I are going to shop at Port Angeles for our school stuff tomorrow, maybe sometime else?" Alice said.

We finished dinner and talked more on the grand balcony. Then soon enough it was time for our guests to go home. We said our goodbyes and they left. I soon got ready for bed. I took a night shower as well. When I jumped on my bed, soon enough I felt sleepy and washed my thoughts about school and thought about my dream girl until I fall asleep.

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