Caught In The Rain ❤️

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(LIL NOTE BEFORE YOU READ:Actual talking "Will look like this" and thoughts will 'Look like this'! Enjoy <3)
*Borrower's P.O.V*
Just my luck.. Stuck in the rain again. If I knew where I was going I'd go elsewhere to a place that isn't constantly raining. I was lucky enough to get under a bench, it still was dripping water but not as much as so I didn't mind as much. I was however freezing.. I got attacked by a cat earlier so most parts of my clothes were ripped, including my sleeves. The rain was calming and fell asleep, hoping the rain would have stopped by the e time morning came. I didn't count on it though.
*One Hour Later*
I woke up abruptly by thunder, I've heard that sound way too many times for me to get scared like that still.. but I looked around and noticed a new surround.... I didn't go to sleep here, at least I don't think I did.. No, I didn't. I know I didn't. I was sleep under a bench, how did I get inside... a dollhouse??
Blossom-Panicking 'Crap! Did a kid find me?! I would rather had died OUTSIDE in the rain the die HERE!! Unless I'm able to find a way out of here.. Just breath, Blossom.. You'll get through this.'
I managed to get out of the dollhouse and tried to find a way out of the ACTUAL house I was in. The room I was in looked like a living room, I still was cautious knowing a human kid could be walking around... Thinking about it gave me chills, I did NOT want to wait here and figure what they'd possibly do to me. I walked through half the room and noticed someone was entering the room, I panicked and hid behind a plant near what I think was the front door. I covered my hand over my nose and mouth to keep myself quiet. My heart was pounding so hard but there wasn't anything I could do about that, just had to hope no one heard it..
Human-Worried "Crap..." exhales 'It's fine, just gotta look for her. I hope she isn't hurt or anything, but since Hannah isn't here she might be fine.... hopefully.' Gets up and looks around the room
Blossom-Holding back tears 'Crap crap crap crap crap... I don't want to die like this.....'
I wanted to cry, I knew I couldn't. I'd be caught, killed, or worse... I thought of all the ways I could die at that moment.. My thoughts were interrupt though when I felt myself get lifted off the ground.... The human had found me.. I tried everything to escape his grip but nothing worked.... I felt the tears I held back falling after giving up. I just wanted to get it over with..
Human-Worried "Hey, it's ok.." 'God I suck at comforting....'
Human-"Uhm... Here, I'll set you back in the dollhouse. Please don't run though, I don't want you to hurt yourself..."
Blossom-Doesn't respond
Human-Sets Blossom back in the dollhouse
Blossom-Backs up on the wall, still shaking a bit
Human-Watching curiously "Borrower, right?"
Blossom-A bit surprised "..How'd you know?..."
Human-Shrugs "I read a lot I guess."
*Awkward Silence*
Blossom-"...Why did you bring me here?...."
Human-"I noticed you under a bench, and I would have felt guilty leaving you there... So I brought you here instead."
Blossom-Doesn't say anything
Human-Changing subject "My name's Charlie, what's yours if you don't mind me asking?"
Blossom-Hesitates but then responds "Blossom."
Charlie-Smiles "That's a nice name!"
Blossom-"Uh, y-yours too."
We talked a little more for a couple minutes, then realized how late it was. He offered to bring the dollhouse upstairs to his room since it was warmer then downstairs. I agree only because I don't think I would have had a choice, and I still don't trust him.. He seems nice though.

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