016 𖤐 "just hold my hand dork"

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𖤐 "kenz you really have no right to be a little brat right now." becca scolded, the two have been arguing about who should have the last fruit roll up for the past 10 minutes. 

"shut up, you got the last couple cheese balls." kenzie shot back.

kenzie took her shot and ran with the fruit roll up when becca was looking for another box.

"mackenzie daniella hart!" becca yelled while kenzie started to unravel the roll up.

but then, becca saw a opportunity.

becca waited for about two seconds for mason and kenzie to get closer. mason was with tristan.

becca shoved kenzie hard, right into mason. "that's what you get for not putting me in your dump."

of course, he caught her. his hands were placed around her waist. "did you just fall kooky?" tristan said making fun of her.

but kenzie didn't say anything, her face sure gave them a hint on how she was feeling though. one of mason's hands was now on her lower back.

"what?" she shot her head to tristan, hoping he'd repeat what he said. "you know, i'm needed somewhere with miguel."

"ok you can move you hand now," she grabbed his hand that was on her back and let in swing back down to his side. "sorry,"

"it's fine don't apologize. atleast you didn't let me fall." he smiled at kenzie. "your not shooting today right?" she asked, "no. i'm so glad i haven't had a day off in long time."

"did you know that i can spot where some constellations are?" kenzie said which mason didn't know. the two were now laying on a spot in the grass.

"see that one is leo i'm pretty sure." she pointed, which she was right. "your pretty."

"yeah the sky's pretty." she decided to say even though she heard mason loud and clear. kenz really had no clue what to say. she felt a tickle in her stomach and cheeks.

"not the sky, you." kenzie tilted her head so she was looking at him. mason did the same.

"thank you," she smiled. "your pretty too," she added as she looked back up at the sky.

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