027 𖤐 drained

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— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —real life𖤐

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— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
real life

𖤐 kenzie woke up in her trailer bed feeling quite literally drained. maybe she should've have hungout with the walton's until 4 am, she had a couple scenes today.

"kenzie, isla and ben are waiting." scott knocked on her door, opening it the slightest. isla and ben were her stylist and makeup artist.

she got up and headed over to get styled and her makeup done.

kenzie looked over her lines, her eyes drooping. she could barely keep them open. she slugged down a monster but that just made her feel worse.

not only was she exhausted, she felt like shit. but it wasn't just because of the monster.

"ok your all set!" isla said satisfied with her and ben's work.

kenzie sat next to mason, waiting for when it was her time to shoot. however, he said nothing to her. instead, mason just looked off as kenzie stared at him confused.

"something smells," miguel sat on the other side of kenzie. "i'm not in the mood mig." "oh yeah you look terrible, sleep better next time." miguel chuckled, "maybe you shouldn't have stayed out so late with javon." mason snapped.

"what?" kenzie mumbled, "ok kenz we are ready
for you."

the shit is his problem, javon and i are just friends. kenzie thought. but deep down, she could tell where he was coming from. but mason had no reason to be like this, kenzie didn't like javon that way. but she did like mason that way.

"i need to know where you and finney walked by when you went to the police." maddy explained as gwen.

the deal was in one of her dreams, she saw the house finney was held in and it seemed like the one finney described when he was telling gwen about his and holly's walk back to her house.

kenzie stuttered, "shoot, line?"

that happened about 26 more times.

"kenzie your really off today, what's going on?" scott accused, "i'm fine." she said back with a bit of attitude. it felt like for her everyone was on her back, and it pissed her off.

she never had parents to sass off to, so it looks like she just did it to her director.

"go take a minute." he ordered.

as kenzie walked off, she grabbed mason's hand with her.

"the fuck," mason groaned. "spill," "spill what?"

"why your so pissed at me?" kenzie babbled. "i'm not," "bullshit!" "fine, i'm mad because i feel like us liking eachother wasn't real!"

the two stared at eachother, not breaking eye contact. "is this about javon?" he gave her a look like it was obvious, (which it was).

"mason, i've only felt this way about two people before, you and javon. i like you! like, like like you." she explained. but mason didn't look the least bit happy.

oh fuck.


𖤐 😍😍😍😍

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