035 𖤐 the final scene

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— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —real life𖤐

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— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
real life

𖤐 a few days have passed since the whole phone incident.

and kenzie and all of the others were reading their scripts. as soon and kenzie read it, her eyes shot up at mason who was already staring at her. they laughed as they finally had to kiss for the movie.

"what?" maddy whined as she snatched kenzie's script from her hand. "miguel!" maddy yelled.

after some minutes of discussion mason and kenz kissing, tristan realized something. "why the fuck aren't you guys freaking out?"

they looked at eachother, and back at them as they shrugged.

"holy shit!" becca said in awe, "it's because you guys have kissed before!" miguel had a lightbulb moment.

kenzie and mason just laughed, 100% not denying it.

"ok mason i get you wouldn't tell me, but kenzie? i thought we were best friends." miguel said actually offended.

"migu come on, we are best friends. i just, or we didn't want to weird you guys out that we like eachother you know." kenzie explained.

"it's not weird at all it's been obvious since day one." brady replied for all of them.

"hm, true." mason admitted.

the group went over there lines and the next day got ready to shoot.

holly was with donna, when someone in full denim caught her eye.

"holy fuck," holly mumbled as she squinted. "oh god you don't know," donna said while holly was walking towards the boy in blue.

she pulled his shoulder, revealing the boy. "finney?"

holly pulled him into a awkward hug. "sorry," "yeah, it's." finney was stuttering, "it's ok."

"i can't believe your ok!" the bell rung.

"i'll tell you everything later, i'll walk you home." finney spoke over the bell.


now mason had a scene just himself in class, kenzie had a little break until it was time for finney to walk holly home.

finney explained everything, not leaving a out a single detail. talking about holly's brother vance the most.

"god i feel stupid, i really though he was maybe still alive." holly choked.

"don't be, you just needed what you wanted the most, your brother. if that makes sense."

"it makes perfect since finn, can i call you finn?"

finney hummed, "robin used to call me finn."

"i'm really sorry you had to go through all that." they were now almost at holly's house.

"i can walk you home everyday now, if i can kill the grabber, i can make sure you get home ok. and i do too." he gave her a tight smile.

"okay," holly laughed lightly.

they stood in front of her house.

"thank you," "get used to it holly."

the two chuckled, as they began walking away from eachother. holly walking halfway up the steps to her house, but something stopped her, and finney. holly stood there, thinking and then spun around to see finney on the step lower than she was.

they were at the same eye level, mason still being a tad taller than she was. this was the part where kenzie was supposed to give mason a peck. their nose touched, but she started laughing histarically, and so did he.

mason lifted her up, walked down a step and set her down so they were both on flat ground again.

"let's try this again." scott directed. while kenzie and mason glared at maddy, becca, jacob, miguel and brady watching them do their scene.

mason and kenz redid the scene and were now at the same part, she was just about to spin around.

holly looked at finney, and then pressed a quick kiss onto his lips as their hands were held onto eachothers.

the two blushed, and holly went into her house and the movie ending with finney walking back home.


𖤐 the story's coming to a end...

i am so beyond grateful for anybody who literally does anything with this story. this is my first book i've done and i'm blown away with the amount of love i've gotten. thank you guys so much!!!!!💗

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