12 | Daddy Privilege

534 38 77

Lee Minho

Everyone soon left. To say that I was tired would be an understatement. It was always hard dealing with the boys when they were all together.

I suddenly remembered my conversation with Jisung from a few days ago.

The two of us sat at a bench in a park, with me telling him about everything that's been on my mind. He was the only one I could open up to. And he was the only one who understood my situation. Because he himself was in the same situation once.

"Min, you know better than anyone else to always trust you gut feeling. A little observation is all it takes to help someone going through hard times. And from what I'm seeing... You've already done quite some observation." He said.

And he was right. That's what he did too.

Slowly, my mind drifted back to the one person who had been occupying my thoughts from the last few days.


She was like a complicated riddle which was getting harder to solve with every try. I had realised that in the very beginning that I won't be able to get my answers if I didn't get any clues. And after that day on the rooftop, I was even more curious. But before that, I was concerned.

Concerned because she was starting to look more stressed with every passing day. She was quiet. Too quiet for it to be considered normal. But I let her be. I didn't try to approach her.

But today after so long, when I finally got a proper look at her face, I couldn't stop myself from wondering. The way she spaced out every few minutes and quietly sat was definitely not normal.

She always had a far away look in her eyes. And her eyes, they held no emotion. They looked empty.

I've already seen something similar happen once. How a person spaces out and how they get scared when someone almost finds out the things they are hiding about themselves.

My younger sister was bullied for an entire year. The way she looked so scared when I found out can never leave my mind. She didn't want anyone to know. She thought people would hate her.

I know what that look of fear when someone is about to find out is like. That is why it didn't take me long to recognise it in Iseul's eyes.

I just asked a random question, but the reaction she gave was that of fear. It only confirmed my doubts that something was up with her.

Just then, the doorbell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Minho! We're home!" My mother spoke up, hurriedly coming to the living room where I was sitting. "I hope you weren't bored."

"I wasn't. I called the boys over. They just left a few minutes ago, actually." I said, letting her hug me.

"I missed you," She said.

It had been just a day since she had last seen me. Mother could be a bit dramatic at times.

"I had a lot of fun without you." Came the voice of my younger sister, Minji. She soon appeared in front of me, with dad right behind her.

"I highly doubt that." I said, making my way towards her. "I'm sure no one would've done...this."

And I attacked her with my most powerful weapon, which always seemed to work on her.

"S-stop!" She wheezed after a while, taking a deep breath as she tried to escape my tickle attack.

"Tell me I'm the best brother in the world." I said, looking smugly at her.

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