28 | Never Me

340 24 33

Shin Yuna

Ever since middle school, Minho had been my one true love. I still remember the day when I first saw him.

He was just so perfect. I always dreamt of us getting together.

But my fate never wanted that. Right when I got to know his feelings for me in middle school, I had to move to the states.

All because of my parents' selfishness. They always thought of work, and nothing else. They took away all my friends from me, and everything that I've ever cherished.

They took away everything.

I cried for years, and after getting into numerous fights with them, I finally got to come back to Korea for highschool. I was the happiest person on this planet when I came back.

That happiness just increased tenfolds when I came across Minho. It felt as if my wish from years ago was coming true. I couldn't believe that my dream was going to turn into my reality.

In just a few weeks, we got closer than ever. We hung out outside of school, sometimes with the group and sometimes just the two of us.

I started to believe that his feelings for me were still alive. Afterall, why would he spend so much time with me if they weren't? I was convinced that he loved me too, just the way I loved him.

My doubt turned into belief when he looked at me while describing his crush. It was as if everything turned into a beautiful shade of pink in my life. I was happy, so so happy that I missed some obvious clues.

Not being able to stay apart anymore, I decided to confront him indirectly.

The day we sat on the bus together while coming back from the field trip.

I would never be able to forget that day.

"Soo... Who does our Lee Minho really like?" I asked, showing curiousity.

"Well, the time will tell-"

"Come on, I'm curious!" I whined, interrupting him.

He let out a chuckle. "Alright, if you insist. It's meant to stay a secret between you and I though."

"Of course," I beamed, fully convinced that I was finally going to recieve the confession that I've been longing for ages.

"The girl I like is..." He began and took a deep breath.

I passed him a warm smile, urging him to continue.

"It's Iseul."

And at that moment, my whole world collapsed. Time froze. I couldn't register his words.

"What...?" I whispered, still not being able to process the information.

"I like Iseul. She's just... Amazing." He rambled.

At that moment, all I could do was smile through my pain as he excitedly talked about his love for Iseul.

I was jealous of her. She always seemed to do things so effortlessly. And she did the things I've been wanted to do for years within a few mere months.

Just what the hell did he see in her?

I couldn't understand. I didn't know why, but I still wished Minho chose me.

And I just knew what I needed to do to change his mind.


"A-are you sure?" I asked Jiyeon, a ray of hope glimmering in my heart.

"Yeah, I think we should let the others know... We should give them more time alone if that's what they want." Jiyeon shrugged.

And so, the two of us called Hyunjin, Minho and Eunseol to our meeting.

I let Jiyeon tell them everything, barely taking a part in speaking. I watched Minho's expression as Jiyeon spoke.

His face fell. I could see he was trying to force a smile. However, his eyes gave him away.

Later when school ended, I grabbed my chance.

"Minho... What's wrong? You can talk to me. I heard from Chan that you weren't in the class the whole time." I said softly.

"Yuna... I really like her so much." He said, his voice coming out in a strained whisper.

"Minho, sometimes no matter how much we want, some things are never meant to be. I know you like her a lot. But if you truly do love her, you'd want nothing but her happiness, right? Maybe give her the space she needs. She loves Seungmin, so you should respect that." I said, patting his shoulder.

"I... I don't think I can,"

"You can and you will. Just distance yourself from her, hm? You'll forget about it and learn to accept reality, I'm sure." I consoled him.

And just like that, Lee Minho stopped any sort of communication with Choi Iseul.

I thought that would improve things... But then why did it not?

Iseul, Iseul, Iseul... that's all he talked about. What was I lacking? What did she have that I didn't?

I did so much... Then why?

"Yuna, are you in there?" Jiyeon's voice came, making me wipe my tears immediately.

After once glance at myself in the mirror, I stepped out.

"Did you cry?" She asked, concerned.


"Stop lying. You need to tell me everything." She persisted.

So that was how I ended up telling her how I felt.

"Seriously? That's what you're wasting your precious tears on? On a girl like her?" She said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Yuna, she's a nobody compared to you. She probably did some dirty tricks to win Minho over. Seungmin seems to like her too! She's not even that special." Jiyeon huffed.

"I don't care! Minho still likes her more." I mumbled.

"Yuna... There's something I need to let you know. You see, Iseul, she..."

What Jiyeon said next left me stunned.

"I know her from my previous school. Her father is a murderer, and she's a slut."

"Jiyeon... Are you-?"

"Yep, trust me, I know her better than anyone else. We need to protect Minho from her, Yuna."

I couldn't believe my ears. It all made sense. They always walked home together.

A scoff of disbelief left my lips. "Who does she think she is?"

"Don't worry about her. I know just the right thing to do. From tomorrow, we won't have to see that disgusting bitch again."

"Really? How?"

"Leave that to me. There's a lot of people who hate her." She said, a smirk forming on her face. "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone no matter what happens, though. If a word gets out that we were involved, things would get messy."

"Okay..." I nodded vigorously.

"Trust me Yuna, I'm doing this for you. We're friends right? Friends care for each other." She said, making my heart warm.

I trusted her. Even if Iseul got hurt, I felt like I wouldn't care.

For some reason, I felt oddly happy.

It was for Minho. Yeah, I'd go to any lengths for him.

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